I love getting crit for 2.5k by immortal paladins 20 yards away

especially after they dispell an entire teams worth of debuffs
very fun and compelling

Wait, how are Paladins dispelling buffs? Or is this Divine Shield being a self cleanse?

Skill issue

Skill issue. Paladins have very exploitable weaknesses and one of the worst 1v1 classes against competent players.

I smack paladins easily on my lock. Avenger’s shield? felhunter dispel. Ranged hoj? Spellstone. Repentence? Trinket. Just never get too close to them and you can kite them forever while they are rotting away.

If fel hunter dispel fails and they catch up to bubble burst, that can be a little scary if the paladin is geared, but pop armor trinket + healthstone and be ready to fear bomb immediately when bubble is gone and GG. Can fel dom summon a voidwalker for emergency if they are getting really lucky crit chains in that bubble.

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OP’s main can’t be a hunter, hmm… Launch an investigation.

Let me tell you how to win push bm put pet on pally Cheetah away pally dies or bubbles then dies affter bubble win

ah yes my mistake i should learn to dispell their undispellable bubble thank you paladin mains praise aggrend


2,5k wow. Thats crazy bro, i must svck at paladin because My exo vs Demon/undead is hitting only like 0.7k damage.

Dispel dispel dispel, what about purge purge purge?

And paladins are not inmortal, try to play one, if paladin is inmortal then every class with healing should be considered as inmortal? Just throw the loH argument, common i’m waiting.

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Run. Kite. Kill.

know your place, mortal!

Lolololol you do realized pets are nerfed. In mm I laugh at hunters playing bm. Their pets get wrecked and die. You are literally delusional

Yeah, did this mythical pally already clear TBC?

I haven’t crit over 800 on an exo and I’m farming undead mobs all night long lol

Anyone crying and moaning about bubble is just silently screaming that they’re awful at the game, because bubble is legit the easiest cooldown to counter: literally just run away, paladin has no speed boosts or gap closers lmao

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I have been hit by 1200 with an exorcism crit, I think the person means with their dumb wombo combo they do which has literally 100-0ed me before in a single global, to some degree I am ok with that as pally counters rogue pretty hard.

But, ret use to be a meme without bubble, now they are killing cloth/leather well within a hoj.

I don’t think paladins are as much of an issue as alot of people on these forums, but you can’t say their wombo combo in pvp isn’t real…


The simple fact you typed this tells us you have zero idea wtf ur talking about. But, nice try.

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Lol so you can’t even explain why anything I said was wrong?

Yeah, sounds like you have a gitgud problem but just don’t want to accept the fact you are bad. If you had a growth mindset you might actually learn and improve, but that hurts your ego I guess.

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Maybe. If it was at range as claimed by OP maybe a very well geared shockadin hit them with exo, then holy shock, and then HoW, and they were running enlightened judgments where they cast a ranged SoR judgment, and they all crit.

In melee range? Sure, a 2.5k burst from a ret seems reasonable when things line up.

Who actually cares about 1v1 though, it’s literally irrelevant. 1v1’s doesn’t win you marks and/or blood coins.

Paladins are uncontested frontline stallers (and stalling is king in AB) with enough burst to threaten every class in the game. It’s not easy to deal with multiple competent ones who know and understand their role in the group in a battle over an objective.


I think you are missing the point of the response. The OP was complaining about paladins 1 shotting him… in the scenario he was implying this is simply a gitgud problem, they are super easy to kite and cc.

Even in group pvp they are pretty easy to control if your team is half competent and knows how to exploit their weaknesses.

No way Shock crits in the 2k, my fully committed shock with epic shoulder and gnomer set crits for like 800 exo , and I have like 250 SP without sheath of light lol. IDK about ret tho