Something about them just makes me happy. Their scrawny tiny little arms and legs and their petite frames, holding the weight of their devastating destruction and mass slaughter. That little spin they do when they jump as they dive headfirst into a huge fight and tear everything to pieces. It’s just fun. It’s the same reason I have a Gnome Warrior. To see that tiny little nugget fall something 50 times his size makes me irrationally happy.
I will say, the only Blood Elf I actually have is my DH, because I kind of have to be a Blood Elf for that, but I get way more excited when I use my transmorpher beacon on say, my Warrior or my DK and I get a female Blood Elf, or any other toy that has a chance to do that. It’s like, “Yay, it’s Barbie slaughter time!”
I also think they look really good in a lot of different transmogs. I remember a time when weapons on them were HUGE for some reason. Some kind of scaling issue with the weapon sizes. It was hilarious any time I saw one with that sword, Armageddon.
Anyone else share my somewhat explicable love for Blood Elves?
I like sin’dorei females too, but they aren’t allowed near Alliance lands and for some reason, I can’t understand their language despite having a fair amount of mutual intelligibility with Darnassian. Did they forget Common or did they speak a Lordaeron form of it?