I love and hate BRD

Blackrock Depths is a wonderful dungeon, but I hate it each and every time I go there. There’s so much to do, and no one ever wants to do any of it.

That Shortcut Drill was a huge mistake, and it should never have been put in. No other dungeon, to my knowledge, can be “Completed” for the random dungeon bonus while killing only four mobs.


There’s no incentive to be there an hour and a half. It’s like those dudes who want to take a tour of Gnomer. There’s really no point.

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Then either add incentive, or remove the skip. A good 70% of Blackrock Depths is never seen anymore because neither section involves going through it anymore.

The fact that the “dungeon complete” bonus only cares about the “final” boss being killed doesn’t help. No other dungeon can be completed by killing only four mobs (two fire elementals, Fineous Darkvire and his Golem), and no dungeon should be completable that fast. You don’t even need to kill Incendius, who’s listed as one of the bosses required for that section.

Remove the skip so that people have to actually fight through the dungeon to get to the boss instead of skipping literally the entire thing.



One of the major bad moves of this game has been to make things easier/faster. It’s everywhere and continues to this day with the wisdom buff.


I don’t mind the wisdom buff. If the Plague had never hit IRL, we wouldn’t have gotten it. I just wish Blizzard would give people a reason to visit more than 20% of my favorite Classic Dungeon.

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yall groups dont even take the extra few seconds to kill incendius???

and idk man i love the skip it helps powerlevel at the end of classic when you’re finally getting annoyed w/ classic stuff

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I agree. It isn’t like it isn’t doable, especially after splitting the dungeon in two.

I love BRD, I wish it got revamped and made relevant again, like mythic BRD for people to farm pre raid BiS. I love spending 3 hours in there on classic :blue_heart:

They need to physically block off parts that don’t count towards your instance group. To prevent ppl who have no idea from wandering around aimlessly for hours.

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BRD is straight up one of my favorite dungeons. It’s great!

I’d rather have a root canal

Combine this with removing the skip-machine, and I’m okay with it. The Emperor run already starts you right by the door to the first boss instead of at the entrance, so frankly the skip isn’t needed at all.

Frankly, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people who want to remove as much of levelling as possible, because they see levelling up as an obstacle to gameplay instead of being part of it. If you hate levelling up so much, buy a level boost, or don’t roll alts.

If killing bosses even gave as much exp as completing the dungeon I’d be all for it.

I think it’s fine that Dungeon Finder splits up the requirements for that dungeon. Most people leveling I would argue are likely just trying to get it done with as fast as possible. They aren’t looking to romp through BRD for an hour and a half when they only get the bonus exp for the 4 mobs you mentioned. And I don’t think the bonus should come from 100% completion either, given the size of the place and the standards set by every other dungeon.

I DO think that particular section is an issue. They need to either move the skip or ensure that at least the other boss is actually a requirement. But the idea of the dungeon being split up in general is fine.

Ok… Cool story… It’s boring… I get it.

BRD is one of my favorite 5-mans ever and a big reason to play Classic, if you want to see it while it’s relevant.

This is 100% what I’m arguing. I’m fine with splitting up the dungeon. I don’t even mind some bosses being optional. Just get rid of that damn skip. It’s not hard to get to Darkvire from the entrance. There are multiple ways to do so.

But “Four mobs and done” potential is too small.

You do realize it’s broken up in 2 different instances now with different completion objectives?

Most people want to do the objectives and move on.

I don’t think folks using LFG want to spend 1 1/2 in the horrid place.

They want their completion bonus.

Hopefully you are organizing your own groups outside of LFG matching.

Instead use LFM tool and say, BRD full run.

You are incorrect. There are only two segments - to kill Finneous Darkvire, and to kill Thaurissan. The section for Thaurissan starts with Ambassador Flamelash, and proceeds normally through the last stretch of the dungeon, and it starts you right outside Flamelash’s chamber. No objections there.

Darkvire’s segment starts next to a Drill which you can take to skip right to Darkvire himself, with a measly two fire elementals in the way.