I like how fast "#pulltheripcord" died

Idk man im chunking other Paladins in arenas that don’t have Divine toll

Even in dungeons my numbers always on the top

It’s still limiting for no reason and some differences do have very major performance impacts. For instance taking Necrolord as a warrior is almost a complete loss in everything you could do. And If I was to take Venthyr for Arms I would have a covenant that’s an absolute joke for prot.

Sure it isn’t the 30-50% difference that it was. But it’s still a loss and less enjoyable in most cases than if we could just use them like talents.


I went Necrolord on this guy even though Condemn is awesome. Sucks to not have a cool ability like that but I like the idea of Maldraxxus for my character more.

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I mean if you prefer the RP element that’s fine. But imagine if you could enjoy the RP element and not be flat out less powerful in basically every situation because of your RP choice.


lol if you think #pulltheripcord died then you’re clueless.

They pretty much did pull the ripcord by nerfing the crap out of covenant power and soulbinds. It’s still a bad system but just doesn’t matter as much anymore. The second they mess up tuning, we’re going to have #pulltheripcord posts again.


Yeah, totally. Next week ask all those DPS Warriors how good their raiding life is without Condemn, I’m sure they love living life on the bench

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Source please?


And that is how people should have approached the issue.

I do imagine this lol.

People just don’t want to be part of a cult or a weird scourge.

Which conduit do u use with divine toll?

But the Fae is a decent choice, argument mute…

The only covenant I don’t like is Necrolord, ironically.

They chose some weird shade of green/blue for the covenant that matches literally ZERO weapon mogs/mounts in the game. Including artifact weapons.

I went Venthyr for my warrior. Easy choice. And I might go Kyrian for Frost DK.

Lol what… Everyone I know is playing necro lord and kyrian. Most hate arden.

Nope we still hate that we can’t swap. Blizzard has gone past the point of no return though sadly.

I see that you have absolutely no accurate point on anything :+1:

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Those are my two favorites, and out of all my toons, I only picked Night Fae or Revendreth on one toon each. (Night Fae is my farming druid and the only reason I picked it was for the garden and Niya’s leather/cooking supplies soulbind ability.)

Same here. To be honest I’m kind of praying for a buff to the abilities.

Fleshcraft and Banner both have some very large downsides built into them. They not only make the abilities less powerful, but less reliable and clunky as well.

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Night Fae and Venth are generally very good, classes that prefer necro/kyrian are rarer, especially since pelagos got nerfed.

Educate yourself, thanks.

Love Necrolords and my ability. Is Convoke stronger, sure, but Adaptive Swarm is awesome. I wouldn’t say no to a buff or two though!


OP is from alternate dimension where people like how the covenant system is.