I lied about the transmog

I said in some thread somewhere I didn’t like it.

The truth is I was waiting with baited breath for it to be added to my account.

Wanna know the grossest part? I hate the in-game shop… but I did a naughty.

Instead of waiting for my account to get the outfit, I purchased another six months of game-time and got it instantly.

I was already paid up until June of 2021 lmao.

Wanna know what’s worse?

I bought the Faerie Dragon Mount to match it.


Do you want to know what is even worse? You didnt buy it for all of us :frowning:


Angry mob wielding torches and pitchforks incoming in…





That’s perfectly understandable. There’s no shame in that. You needn’t–



I don’t have that kind of money.

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We live in a capitalistic society. If you don’t like something and want change support your decision with your wallet. Continuing to sub in the game and pay for things and just complaining wont do a single thing. Only through action will things change. And even then the small group of people strongly against this wont have that much of a impact. it only seems large cause they are loud.

Also congrats op on being happy with your purchases. thumbs up

To be fair though I’ve always wanted the Faerie Dragon mount.

I don’t know why that’s being fair.

Anyway my Void Elves all look like Pride Floats now and I am EXTREMELY satisfied by that.

the fairy princess gnome changed your mind , he is the chosen one , the one who will defeat tiger-panda in the next asmonbald transmog competition


Glad you’re happy with it! Be the best Pride float you can be!

tbh i wanna see it on a gnome, i might make the purchase myself if i see it on goblins and gnomes.

goblin fairy :mask:



This is not how it’s supposed to work! Positivity is not permitted around here!

h ttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/555345129284829225/768357520179200040/isXtOih.png


PS : it isnt my transmog

looks at the edgy alliance blood elf judging other races didn’t the entire theme of your race pop out of japanese nsfw content?

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wrong colour stranger the red is the edgelord one.

Red represents the blood of our fallen people something the void elves have clearly forgotten, and not only that but it represents the blood that unites us within the Horde.

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MY EYES, THEY BURN D;! Why would you do dis cries

h ttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/555345129284829225/768370340136615956/Fairy-Princess-Scruit.gif

I am sorry brother but it must be done , you must look at it , look at this glory !!!

I knew not all elfs were stupid and worthless and only heavely downgrade trolls

I mean you still are a downgrade from the great trolls master race but not as much as the others that is Kappa

Tell that to the dying out amani tribes.

No! No! No!
Vote with your wallet! Don’t pay Blizzard a single penny! That’s why I pay my subscription with gold only! :rage:

I almost bought the transmog, but then I saw a gift in my Battle.net launcher and saw the transmog there. Forgot I still had time left from the 6-month sub deal I got a while ago.

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