The responses to this thread show how out of touch the GD forums are from the actual game.
People do not stay in high keys if they are going to take hours. It is different if you are only there to “complete,” but those groups are rarer than groups that want to time and the intentions are always made clear.
It is absolutely acceptable for people to leave high keys if it seems like it’s going to take an hour. Even a 15 key is very doable on time these days with decent players (i.e, the type that are usually doing 15 keys) and if it seems like it is going to take way longer than it needs to, it is best for everyone to move on to the next group.
Barely anyone cares, too, because they understand it is not best to stick around. That’s very often portrayed over voice - “hey, this isn’t worth sticking let’s just end it here.”
The responses to this thread and to the OP are nothing like what actually happens in game, and it’s a little disturbing how often these same people are constantly talking about what should and shouldn’t happen in M+ despite very clearly not participating in it.
This is, like I mentioned in my post above, completely contrary to what people who actually care about .io think.
If a 30 minute dungeon is going to take 2 hours, it is better for everyone to move onto the next group and almost anyone who is doing keys higher than 10s will agree to that. The exception are people who only want completion and don’t value their time - but those groups are rare, and those players are the ones that need to communicate “hey, we aren’t good enough to complete this on time so just know we’re going to take forever.”
Most people doing certain key levels assume they are joining a group capable of completing it on time. They do not assume they are there to carry others.
I’ve been wanting this too, but there’s no way for them to know as it is right now. I wish Blizz would create their own reader io and close down the API to third party sites profiting off their data.
It’s about stopping people from completing mythics or getting gear so it supports carry sales. Same thing is done in LFR and other raids, best to get the addon that ignores accounts.
This makes me wonder if blizz couldn’t put in some kind of prestige / rep thing like they did in Overwatch. For every mythic+ timer you beat you get a few points and for every one you complete you get a few points. If you leave you lose points. Let it decay over time. Maybe let the group give points to other members at the end of the dungeon to signify if they were good team members.
If he’s doing 15s he obviously doesn’t need the 370 gear. He wants to time the 15 and probably push the 16. If the key is dead after 2 bosses then why would he stay? Why would anyone want to stay?
This proves that you guys that sell carries grief others in dungeons on purpose to support carry sales… which in my opinion should be a perma ban and your computer locked off the game (banned as well)
Why? Raider io awards points for completion. Why should your score be hurt because you joined a group that can’t complete a dungeon on time and you want to move on?
Because I imagine groups would care far more if you’re the kind of person they can’t trust to actually stick it out with you?
Like even including a counter somewhere and not affecting the score would probably be really helpful to a lot of players. That way it doesn’t even harm “you” if leaves truly aren’t as big a deal as you feel they are.
People in high keys want to be able to trust that people joining these groups are able to complete the key on time, not “stick it out.” That is not what people look for in groups for high keys… at all.
Like, I’d like to reiterate that is it absolutely common for people to leave once a key is no longer completable on time. That is normal, acceptable behavior for people that push keys. No one gets mad about it. Everyone understands that keys past 10 are about pushing, not “completion” and if “completion” is your goal it is you that needs to clarify that.
People in this thread that are saying how horrible it is to leave are not the people pushing these keys. i do not know why they are trying to speak on behalf of people that do.