I leave mythic pluses

People seem to forget that raider io isn’t the only site that tracks dungeon progress. Making your dungeon scores impossible to see is…well…impossible.

Wow this chat is still going on? I’m now impressed for the OP and sad for all those who posted…including myself.
But hey, Goodmorning. Would any of you like some of the bacon I’m making?

This information is actually publicly available and sourced from the Blizzard leaderboards where it’s not private or hideable so no matter what Raistlin insists, his scores are not private and are readily available to anyone and everyone who can scan the leaderboard.

Just because one site agreed to obfuscate the person behind the score doesn’t mean that everybody else who has that data has to do the same.

If I felt like it I could just mirror the Blizzard leaderboard and filter out every player except Rastlin and put that up on my own site somewhere because it’s not private, hidden, blocked, or restricted information in any way shape or form.

Soon Blizzard will allow armory, dungeon, raid, private options.

My goal is to improve my score, not complete a dungeon for loot. The same holds for people who are around 2000 IO. We leave if the key is screwed and go to the next one.

WoW has listened to too many casuals. The last time this happened master loot was removed.


I won’t do them at all, the OVER REPETITION IS THE GRIND I HATE!! So enjoy your “IO score” M+ is a fail design, Raids are supposed to be the top end play NOT 5 mans.

Raid is still the top end play.

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If raids are still top, then why are 5s dropping better gear than Heroic raids? And why do the vast majority of Mythic lvl raid teams require a +15 every week to stay part of the team? NO, 5s are Top and Raids have become tier 2.

Kind of like your post. The point is that there are valid reasons for leaving and I happen to agree that a wipefest is one them given the context that the key can just be downgraded and the loot will remain the same.

Asking someone to stay in a wipefest, on a very high key like that, is unreasonable.

What mythic level raid team is requiring a +15 every week? Requiring a +10 for an extra chance at loot each week makes sense, but not a 15.

And of course mythic dungeons will drop better loot than heroic raids, just like mythic raids drop better loot than mythic dungeons…


Got caught up in my disbelief from this comment. M+ dungeons drop equivalent gear to heroic raids…370s at the end of the dungeon. Each week you have a chance at a 380, which is still worse than mythic uldir standard drops.

So no, mythic dungeons don’t drop better gear than heroic raids.

Furthermore a +14 on time gives more loot than a failed 15. So after timer has failed, pride is the only reason to keep going. Downgrading key and starting over is the pragmatic thing to do

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So not only is there a third party app barring people from playing the game, but that same third party app is now dictating how people play the game.

Does no one else see a problem with this?

personally, don’t mind a dead key as long as we aren’t wiping to lack of damage or not knowing mechanics, which would be very rare at the higher keys

doing a +10 siege and the mage blocks instead of kiting into bombs? yea that’s a bad sign and im gonna bounce.

i don’t mind wiping and completing but i genuinely enjoy pve and regularly tank LFR just because i enjoy pve content.

Maybe they should recode the site where instead of scoring based on time but also actually completing the dungeon… and have like your score loose points for not completing it at all… ya some people who are innocent might get hit by this but this only way to punish people who leave and use this site.

There’s no way to track that, afaik, as the entirety of raider io depends on the blizzard API for pulling data from leaderboards.

If blizzard implemented some type of data for uncompleted dungeons then they could. Like put it into players statistic page of their profile… you know the stats tab beside guild and achievements

A third party app shouldn’t have this level of control over the game, period. Not even gearscore was making people abandon content mid-run to this degree. Blizzard needs to implement their own io-like metric.

Well you’re a jerk so you deserved it. Not sure what you were looking to accomplish by coming to place where theres a lot of people complaining about mythic+ leavers.

There are reasons to ditch a +15 when the timer is busted outside of raider IO score. A 14* will award more loot than an untimed 15, so ditching the 15 key and doing the 14 it turned into if you think you can time it makes practical sense, as mentioned before.

There’s just no incentive, whether it be in game or outside of the game, to trudge through a failed key, unless it’s a 10 or lower.

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They need to find a way to block that obnoxious app entirely

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