I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right

No, I just thought it’s a clever reference addressed to all the multiboxers and their defenders from my original thread I made.

i asked you about someone having an advantage over you. according to you that’s cheating and they’re obviously doing illegal things to make that happen. are you really gonna argue semantics with me with some of the totally outlandish opinions you’ve expressed in this thread???

even some of the people who initially agreed with you are like what in the actual crap?

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It would be really nice if they could tell us what actually is acceptable, instead of telling us what’s not and leaving the rest to speculation.

Literally mimicked another person’s post who was doing the exact same to point out how obnoxious his post was.

Try doing a little digging in the context before you jump to conclusions, alright champ?

Practice what you preach.

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this is doktharmy other toon got hit with not being able to post… i was shocked, and rightfully so, that dude went full racist. do you expect people to see that level of crap and not respond at all? also there’s a huge difference between saying “um delete your racist post before you get a forum ban” and what that guy was doing. you should also consider context, my dear. especially since you’re crying that others aren’t.

oh i hope they ban multiboxing altogether. happy dance!

multiboxers being inconvenienced is good for the game, because multiboxers are an inconvenience in the game

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You are so late to that party.

All thanks to our fellow keystroke cloning users and their ability to report me into oblivion with 15 accounts they have.