I know someone out there has the correct answer to this

Previous to EA release, did Blizzard ever say exactly when the Earthen race was unlockable?

Pay an extra $40. They will toss you some unlocks. Just dont have fun with them or they will nerf them. Gotta make playing them feel like a chore.

Yes, they did

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I am asking about previous to early access launch. Months ago maybe even.

Before Early Access, there was no set in stone date in which you could play an Earthen. There were statements about having to hit 80 and finish the first campaign quests but the release time wasn’t given.


Bad troll is bad

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It was implied that you could unlock Earthen in the Early Release news update. Though it is now updated to be the Live announcement. Specifically this one:

There isn’t a specific date in the news update. It is just written so people could be led to believe they could unlock them during that three day period. Specifically the quote of “Unlock playable Earthen characters after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign.” If they had said “Work towards unlocking playable Earthen…”, I think it would have been a little more clear that they wouldn’t be available during early release.

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No they didnt.

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This makes sense. People read into what they wanted it to mean and they could’ve been clearer.