I know I'm alone on this one

but Blizz please let Mechagnomes be Shaman! This doesn’t really need to be a new expansion “feature”.

Great mog.

They will eventually like all other classes just be patients. Next class seem to be Paladin

I actually thought he was you.


3 years later…

Well at first when they introduced the NE Paladin they never said they would make all class to all races. But they made an official post about it that they would. Last class that are lest to make are all the one that requiere a specific design to it.

Paladin (Mount + Animation)
Shaman (Totem + animation)
Druid (Forms + Animation)

And sinse they release to all races at once it mean all other these need to be ready at once for each races

Players are paid 14 dollars per month. Do you think they don’t have the resources to make animations for these classes? they don’t want to do it

Druids got like a hundred new forms in one patch lol. They can absolutely add one totem and one ghost wolf form per race if they wanted to.

Spell animations are already on NPCs as well. Stuff like updated lightning and fire spells or Ascendance. It’s there. They just need to actually care enough to give it to the players and not just NPCs.

Yeah but all race got the same model and animation. Unlike all races who get their own

Understood but what does that have to do with the total number of forms added? Even if they gave every race of shaman one totem and one new ghost wolf it would still be less work than all the stuff Druids got in 10.2. Thats my point.

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