I mean, he looks amazing
I mean, he looks amazing
Yeah I was just geeking out over them on the wowhead dressing room. I love their metallic hair colours! I wasn’t expecting that. I’m loving these guys more and more!
I dont know what I was expecting, but i am way happier than I thought I would be.
Honestly, at this point, so long as their voice isnt super annoying… i think im going to go for it.
They didn’t change the models at all. All of the taller ones that had slightly different looking body shapes we don’t get.
So I’m out.
That would look wonderful in some of the geocrag armor.
They feel underwhelming
I’ve been saying a bunch that I hope they have an Australian accent. But to be honest I was always joking. It would actually drive me crazy. I’m Australian, and it would just take me right out of the fantasy
Actually I think Welsh would be good. Love that accent.
ive been saying irish as theyre the UK’s other drunks and im Irish… well, my bloodline is.
But really, i’ll take anything that doesnt sound ridiculous
I love the runic carvings on the “skin,” but the gems give me barnacle vibes and make my skin crawl.
I put my mains mog on him and now im actually really excited for these guys to come out.
How did this happen!?!?!?
(wait, i can do pics now?)
lol, just in the half hour since you made this thread apparently! Congrats!
haha thank you!
(I give it a week before i lose it again XD )
I am looking forward to my horde dwarves. Dark Iron look alike!
Im surprised at how few people have shown any interest in them now that we can play around with their customisation options.
Theyve got so much going on!
I haven’t been playing much. Not much stuff do solo without waiting for a timer! But I do keep up with the new stuff. So I am just waiting for season 4 and playing other games in the meantime : 3. Didn’t even bother doing much at season 3. Since season 4 existed and they haven’t made mog farming any easier with soloing bfa raids : /
Another point I would like to know is if we will get more character slots? I have to delete some characters for the pandaria time thing and now for the new dwarves : /. We really need a way to get more character slots.
Cause there’s already multiple dwarf races in the game that these could’ve been customization options for
This race couldnt easily have been though.
The race is taller, isnt flesh, has gems sticking out, hair made of metal.
If they added them to normal dwarves it would have been very restricted.
They are really starting to come together and I’ll definitely be trying one out. I made one with copper skin and purple eyes and gems- looked gorgeous!
It will be interesting collecting mogs to show the cool gems and tatoos they have.
Yeah it could’ve, and it could’ve been the start to more body customization.