I keep throwing barrels and it won't stop!

Please help me… I got kicked from a group because my character is throwing barrels on everyone and only stops when I barrel myself… And as soon as I break out, I throw more until I catch myself again. I have no toy doing this. No spell… No item with this ability… Please help me!


same thing happening to me wtf !!


Usually either dying or entering a PvP game will get rid of stray random buffs. Have you tried that?


going to try that ty

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que a bg it went away


I que’d a bg and it didn’t go away. Did you q in while in the barrel or while moving?


I’m experiencing the same issue on this character. I tried logging out and dying… no dice.

I noticed it during the timewalking fight with Murozond in End Time. We had clicked the hourglass twice during the fight and after the second hourglass, I kept throwing these barrels. From what I’ve seen, it’s the same spell Ook Ook uses in Valley of the Four Winds.

Queuing for a BG now… fingers crossed.

Edit: Didn’t work, I was running when I accepted the queue.


what is going on? throwing barrels all day… cannot mount, cannot hearth, cannot quest… just on one (best) character. no addons. no folders.

won’t stop

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While I do admire that it’s very thematic for my character, I’d really like to stop throwing barrels.

I have to admit this is hilarious, though.


Can you give specifics? Did you get a certain BG? Was it just Random BGs?

Try switching specs

Random bgs don’t really tend to remove stray buffs. Queue into arena skirmish instead.

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Yeah, can confirm that Solo Shuffle did the trick.