Please help me… I got kicked from a group because my character is throwing barrels on everyone and only stops when I barrel myself… And as soon as I break out, I throw more until I catch myself again. I have no toy doing this. No spell… No item with this ability… Please help me!
same thing happening to me wtf !!
Usually either dying or entering a PvP game will get rid of stray random buffs. Have you tried that?
going to try that ty
que a bg it went away
I que’d a bg and it didn’t go away. Did you q in while in the barrel or while moving?
I’m experiencing the same issue on this character. I tried logging out and dying… no dice.
I noticed it during the timewalking fight with Murozond in End Time. We had clicked the hourglass twice during the fight and after the second hourglass, I kept throwing these barrels. From what I’ve seen, it’s the same spell Ook Ook uses in Valley of the Four Winds.
Queuing for a BG now… fingers crossed.
Edit: Didn’t work, I was running when I accepted the queue.
what is going on? throwing barrels all day… cannot mount, cannot hearth, cannot quest… just on one (best) character. no addons. no folders.
won’t stop
While I do admire that it’s very thematic for my character, I’d really like to stop throwing barrels.
I have to admit this is hilarious, though.
Can you give specifics? Did you get a certain BG? Was it just Random BGs?
Try switching specs
Random bgs don’t really tend to remove stray buffs. Queue into arena skirmish instead.
Yeah, can confirm that Solo Shuffle did the trick.