I keep smashing into trees while trying to fly in the new zone


Time to whip out TBC Flying.

Or play a Druid when they get dynamic flight and pick the little black raven form.

well. learn to fly or crash

Made me think of this… :sweat_smile:


Hmm, I thought I could post youtube vids. Guess not.


We should burn them down, they already know the consequences of getting in our way after :fire: Teldrassil :fire:

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You need to get used to the Big New Beautiful Glorious Tree.

After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time there. Well, at least part of you will…

as my beautiful new cushion cover.

You have a wondrous alternative to tree collision - use standard flight, as I do. Getting around those big branches and other trees is literally a breeze.

Dynamic flight was designed to be used in open sky at high speed. Much of the ED zone is cluttered.

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Some of them have weirdly huge geometry that expands beyond what is visible.

I got stuck on a tree despite being cleanly over it.


Most of the time, no. I try to avoid the levels with the most branches. But now and then, one does get me.

Hey! No turning Fuzzbutt into a cushion. The Fuzzy one is friend not furniture.

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Hey! I LOVE the lil’ fuzzy guy!

I just prefer him as upholstery.

Who’d have thought a prominent place for druids would have so many trees!

Seriously though, it’s still better than the Azure Span.



That wood be nice.


Having spent a good chunk of today dealing with leaves IRL, I’m kind of on board with this.

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Oh boy, here we go again. Except this time, I’ll just sit back and watch.

(Prepares :beer: and :shrimp:)

Me too
And then my dragon slides down the trunk slowly like Wiley coyote in the cartoon.
It’s so embarrassing

It usually happens when I do the swirly move
So I have no vigor left


46, 41 - the leafing stops you dead in your tracks. This and its copies are the worst offender.

Also - every single ‘floating’ root-looped tree (and those placed half in the ground here and there) has a similar issue. The leafing interrupts/collides with the camera, but not the player. You can fly through, but your camera will jolt.

There’s so much canopy already to navigate that this definitely needs to be fixed.


I have issue doing the dragon riding races. It might just be me but the rings almost blend in with where they’re placed making them easy to miss and the fact that most of these races take place below heavy canopies of leaves and large trees makes it hard to follow where the line is trying to lead you half the time.

You try zooming out to get a look at your surroundings and you get a full leafy view.


Honestly this is my biggest issue in general with terrain like trees and leaves (and low ceilings… looking at you, Waycrest) … when I zoom out. I get that it’s the Emerald Dream and there are tons of trees and there should be. But man, sometimes I have to zoom SO FAR IN to avoid camera collision with the foliage just to see to turn something in, or talk to someone, or pick something up off the ground.

And as a few others mentioned there ARE some tree branches and roots that just have weird hit boxes, for lack of a better way to explain it. Like, I am fully clear of that branch but somehow it stops me dead in my tracks.

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