I keep seeing "Fresh Wrath/TBC Server please"

How about a Fresh Start CATACLYSM Server?

  1. That way we get to go thru the early zones as intended after the CATACLYSM.
  2. Economy is Fresh.
  3. All start at level 1.
  4. No Boosts ect
  5. Win/Win

Wrath fresh was a failure. What makes you think Cata wont?


i believe cata FRESH would be a good idea. as you can see from the forums many ppl want to dive into cata WAY more than any other expac. plus cata changes the entire game so starting from 1 would be great. FRESH cata pls blizz!!

p.s. 1 tbc server too pls.


Yes, for those who want Cataclysm this is a great idea.

Separately, let them have a split of Cataclysm new and some old and prevent transfers, at least the first couple years perhaps.

Additionally, I am once again asking Blizzard to please offer a Wrath era realm to paid-transfer to for those of us who will not be playing Cataclysm classic as I already play retail WoW. I’ll simply uninstall any supposed ‘era’ from Cata or beyond. Glad for those who want it, I hope you get all the options you want. And I hope those of us who would enjoy a Wrath era would get one as well. Good luck.

Enjoy Cata!


Good short term, bad long term.

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Just roll a new 'toon. Then you have both, your main at the top Wrath level and a new alt.

this essentially already happened with wrath. They added 2 Fresh servers and both suffered immensely after just a few months.

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-to many royaume
-pvp and pve
-blizz allowed transfers in and out to fast

make 1 serv pve only no transfer allowed 9 months easy fresh hype
people claim “they want pvp” but they shown this was not true with there transfers


Is that the correct fix?

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Was it? So packed they opened overflow servers… could be considered succesful.

Did they last? No, not for very long after P2 came out and raiding schedules went from less than 2hrs/week per toon to 12 hours/week per toon (not saying that’s the reason, but it’s an interesting correlation).


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No. Not for me. I never participated in fresh servers.
Objectively they failed. They are pretty much dead.


Initial hype sure, but now they are dead.

So are most of the old megaservers from WoW Classic 2019 - going to call that a failure, too?

Anyway, from my point of view, the few months I played on Skyfury (the fresh start Wrath Classic server) was quite possibly the best few months of my Classic experience - at least on par with any given timeframe of the same period in any other version of Classic.

It was absolutely great!

For me, that’s a huge success.



Yes. Servers that die are a failure. For Blizzard and for us.
There is a clear trend that every fresh server died out around Ulduar. People that join fresh servers just want to play the hype and go to mega servers again. This is nothing new.

OK. I mean, I disagree with your opinion here, but at least I understand what you’re saying. If you’re calling any server that dies a failure, I can see where you’re coming from, and what your measure of success/failure means.

I think that’s a great idea!


I do. People have to pay transfers to enjoy the game and Blizzard has to invest into servers that are dead.

Totally fair, I think.

I did, but shortly after Blizzard offered free transfers, so…


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Do they give free transfers to mega servers?

Yes, they do.

Interesting. All I see is people complaining not getting free transfers to mega servers.

Well, from Skyfury at least, you could transfer to Whitemane, Faerlina, Bene… etc.