I keep getting mixed answers about the viability of paladins at end game

Excellent comedy relief.


Dude ALWAYS level as a Ret.
Levelling as a ret is a cancer. Levelling as a holy is BEYOND cancerous.

Pally is an amazing healer in BWL and future raids. Ret damage is an absolute trash especially if you are not reaaally really pro and geared.
Raid tanking is a no-go. But Dungeon tanking is awesome!

I mean it happens to everyone right

Probably pulled trash along with the boss to pad. I don’t think those count

The guy peaked at 600 DPS (which means his end DPS was probably much lower) because he failed at mechanics and got himself killed. What part of that is “got gud?”

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I mean I’d bring anyone who can peak 600 dps to my raid seems pretty gud to me

… lol.

Go look at WarcraftLogs. That’s not good.

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You can literally see every detail about the fights, including even watching replays.

Regardless of how you or anyone else feels, Ret does not perform anywhere near the level of any of the specs that are not considered meme specs.

We have the data.


OP can play whatever he wants, as I stated initially.

But other people can do so as well, and if he’s looking for ease of grouping, understanding the difference between specs helps.

It’s 1g my dude, well worth the respec.

I’m normally not for ‘git gud’ as a reply, but here it definitely applies. Although I would like to imply it more politely. :slight_smile:

At 36 you should have 11 points in holy (divine intellect, imp seal of righteousness, and consecration) and the rest in prot to get redoubt, precision, imp righteous fury, and shield specialization. With those key talents you should not be having issues holding threat and tanking dungeons. I did it at about 42 and tanked all of Uldaman SEVERAL times. I must have run that dungeon at least 2 dozen times (i was farming for the rockpounder) and then I ran ZF a ton of times while trying to get big bad pauldrons.

Then I went to ret to get up to 60, finish all the soloable quests (because questing is so much easier as ret than prot or holy) then I went a standard lvl 60 11/31/9 build and tanked all the end game dungeons a buncha times. Got me all the pre-pvp grind gear I needed.

Speaking from experience, paladins are excellent dungeon tanks in vanilla.

Just play it. You will always get negative answers. What’s important is what you do and what you want. That’s life.

9:17 PM 4/27/2020
I assume you’re referring to retribution, and yes you can raid as that, but you’re going to be swinging a nightfall. That axe and the judgement debuff is the only reason you’ll be in a raid.

This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until April 28.

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level as ret , slap some int gear and you can heal 5 mans no problem if neccesary

at 60 depending on guild , you can still go ret ( albeit a low damage spec with the same utility as a holy paladin)
or go holy and become a literal god of healing meters

just pick whatever you find fun

A holy paladin is amazing and loved by all. Ret paladin brings nothing to help, that a healing paladin cant bring, and is secretly hated by everyone around you. Ret is especially hated in group pvp. Be prepared to get some whispers if you go to random battlegrounds as ret. Play what you want though, just be prepared that everything is so much more difficult for you as retribution.

Depends on how “min-max hardcore” your guild is. I’m currently a Balance spec “Boomkin” Druid in my smaller, casual raiding guild - because we had too many healers in general, & wanted more class/spec diversity in the group. I’m not scorching-up the DPS meters or anything, but I am providing our raid group with some extra needed utility and/or buffs in addition to whatever DPS I can muster. We clear Ony & MC weekly without a hitch even when we are short of a full 40 people sometimes, & we just started working on BWL this last week. We also have 1-2 Retribution Paladins who raid with us in the guild, as well as a Shadow Priest. We all have fun, clear content, go for the gear drops we all want for our various specs, & no one has a giant cob up their you-know-what in the process.

lulz. Don’t listen to this guy, he doesn’t know what he is talking about :slight_smile:

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Go ahead and tell them that can bring every imaginable mana regen and mana restoring consume to a 5 man dungeon, pop all of them on every pull, and still need to drink from 1% mana afterwards. Not only do prot pallies lack the threat tools and resource management to tank, but the itemization for prot pallies doesn’t exist in vanilla. It’s a meme spec and I feel sorry for the groups you drag down to live out your t2 AoE tanking fantasy.


TBH any tank that isn’t getting their whole raid killed with Shadowflame is doing better than your tanks.

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Well gee wiz, I guess I really wasn’t tanking for everyone back when I was prot. Even though I got spammed with /w to come tank for people when I logged on. Even though I was put on several people’s friends lists as a dungeon tank. Even though I had no troubles getting groups together with me as tank. Even though I knew how to play my class and really only needed to drink once every other pull, and with good mage water I only needed to drink for 10s. Even though packs of mobs died faster and there was less risk for the dps and healers because I could hold threat on multiple mobs at once. Even though I got people disappointed that i went holy to start my PvP grind rather than tank dungeons for them.

Paladins can’t tank raids. This is true. But they are indeed excellent dungeon tanks. This is from experience.