LOUD NOISESSSSSSS. Also I do love lamp, no shame.
I think you might have succeeded in a passive aggressive way.
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hides her lamps
Not with my lamps!
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I like when people show me their lamps without me asking. Makes me feel special.
What in the Moon Guard is happening?
steals lamp for guest room
That’s super rude, and I’ll fiiiiind you.
Why do you do this to me.
Those lamps genuinely creep me out.
how do you read at night?
I don’t like that.
pays random cat to knock it off of table
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Perhaps that lamp can shine light on the problem.
I use a different lamp.
Just do some M0s , you will get mad easily
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all i have to do is look at this new “alleria”
Give me that Christmas Story leg lamp!!!
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Sorry I might need to put a new bulb in after that one.