I just realized something

On the new forums, you can’t see anyone’s character armory. You’re no longer able to check their ilvl or gear.

Another thing is other people’s stats, such as who you’ve given likes to the most and who has liked you the most too. It also shows whenever that person was “Last seen” too. :fearful:

…oh well. Weird but nothing too worrying. :thinking:

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If you click on their Avatar, you will see “View Profile” on some. This leads to the Armory. Why it doesn’t appear for everyone is a mystery that hasn’t been solved.



Gotta go to view profile when you click on someone.

It (sort of) has. There’s a feature in preferences --> interface that basically lets you remove the button from your profile screen.

I’m on mobile, so maybe that’s why I don’t see a profile button? o.0

When I click it just brings up your forum statistics heh.

It shows up on my phone.

Well that’s interesting. Didn’t realize I could do that.

Hm. Yeah you’re right. That’s pretty cool.

“Hide my public profile and presence features” is actually an option.

But you can still armor said character can you not?

You can see it just like in the old days, except now you can hide the stuff which is awesome.

I’m on mobile atm and I can see your Armory by tapping your avatar and then view profile.

Some people do have a setting turned on that hides it but from what I gather there may also be a bug too because I have seen people mention they don’t have the setting on yet their profile is hidden anyway. Not 100% sure since I haven’t tested it with anyone but at least that’s what seems to be going on.

Yep. It’s just a little less convenient.

Yeah, I see this now, but some people don’t have that, “View Profile” option, but you’re still able to see their forum statistics.

You might be right, could be a bug. When I clicked it the first time for you for example, it brought me back to your forum stats and then upon second click brought me to armory.

Some people say they haven’t hidden their public profile and the button doesn’t appear for them either.

Would not surprise me. Should at least be an entertaining couple of weeks as we find more creative things that are acting up. :smile:

Ive already found another weird one, which i dont know how it will affect someone looking at my monks armory.
Click my avatar for my monk and it thinks shes still a 110 tauren monk thats in a guild thats been long dead.

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That’s funny lol.

View profile button isn’t there for me on your page either.

I’m really not liking this feature at all. I loved looking at peoples’ transmogs! :confused:

It’s ti control tmog shaming, the skimpy characters were very hurt.

I’m on mobile and I see profile…