I just lost my job

At least you have an education. It’ll get better, OP. We believe in ya!! Never give up!

I was gonna say this.
Med Degree, could probably go to OCS, get a medical MOS, then get on the student loan repayment program.

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I thought child support and student loans could not be eligible for bankruptcy or else every single student would ?

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LMAO completely false. Please don’t respond to things you have no clue about spreading false information. I had to file for bankruptcy about 10 years ago because a girl took me for $15k. I filed and after a couple of years my credit was starting to get back on track. As of today I am at the higher end of the “Very Good” rating. 3 years ago was able to buy a new Audi too with low payments and only had a trade in.

So yeah, it actually made my life better and allowed me to recover and get back on track.

I find it hard to believe you “graduated” medical school and then immediately went into the job market. Either you didn’t go to actual medical school that results in a residency after the fact, which leads to becoming an MD and are something like a CNA or other “medical” person that says they went to med school to seem cooler than you really are, or you live somewhere other than the US.

As for the “it wasn’t due to performance” thing. Yeah, sure. You were average and they needed to cut, so they kept the cream of the crop. If they told you otherwise, they lied. Places don’t just let talent go unless they’re getting out of that business altogether.


That’s a very good question. Probably depends on where the US law is at.


“Buy” a new audi with low payments. Do I smell a 72 month loan?

Hint: you can’t really afford a car if you can’t pay it off in 3 years (max). Payment amount doesn’t matter, and it’s one of the reasons there’s a car bubble, because people are dumb enough and blinded by the fact that they get to have a shiny they really shouldn’t so those loans are enticing. Like payment plans for phones…

theyre not living in the US tho but ok


Vote for a socialist and they will get rid of student loan debt! 2020 is the Year of Jubilee!

OP you should just be self employed
i got into an emerging industry years ago now and life got so much easier
i have a degreee as well, but struggled to find a career
self employment is the way to be
its not as easy as brainlessly collecting a check every two weeks for monotonous work, but its way more rewarding , and you actually get to watch the world as it moves (or in my case actually be there for every second of my kids growing up)
one hint: FinTech :slight_smile:

Good Luck!

Nope. It is called moving around some finances because I could and it is a 48 month loan. Like I said, when I had to file it actually made my life so much easier and was able to save since then and have a close to 800 credit score. So like I was saying to the person I was quoting who said it would ruin your life, that is completely false as it did the quite opposite for me and many others.

I absolutely agree with you on the “hurrdurr bankruptcy always bad!” thing. It serves a very real and very valid purpose. Also, sorry for the personal jab. I just see people talking about monthly payments regarding cars (which are an extreme passion of mine) like all that matters is the month to month, paycheck to paycheck lifestyle and not their overall building of wealth (meaning the price of the car is more important than monthly payments).

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No worries. I am not going to go into details about my life here but I basically was able to work with my bank and combine a couple credit cards too and work out a monthly payment that was for my car and credit cards and have them paid off in 4 years and doing this saves me like $400+ a month vs 3 separate bills. No way I would have been able to do this if I didn’t file for bankruptcy 10 years ago.

I mean, you still want to use it as an absolute last resort but in my situation I was in, it was a lifesaver for me.

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Actually the bankruptcy stays on your credit for 10 years. However, you can usually get a car loan after about a year or so. I had a car dealer tell me if I had filed instead of fighting to make things work, I could have already had a new car. Said he sees it every day.

Treat bankruptcy like the tool it is. Use it like companies do. Stop acting like its a personal thing.

At what cost? You may get bliss, but you will pay for it via taxation! Then again if playing video games and a small gubmint allowance each month is ones ultimate goal in life, then yes , socialism is the ticket :wink:

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File for an LLC online, then use Lyft, Uber, Postmates, Door Dash just until you find something long term. All your expenses just became write offs.

My point is that the $18AUD minimum wage does not equate to the same value as $18USD.

$13USD/hr is just barely a living wage, and then only if you’re sharing expenses and have relatively low spending overall - I know this from personal experience. Likewise, I would not assume that $18AUD/hr is a living wage in most parts of Australia.

Since the OP has a large amount of student debt on top of any living expenses they may have, $18AUD/hr would, as I pointed out, put them in a position not much better than an American post-grad student in the same position, which is not “fine”.

Underrated post

Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t remove that student dept.
Restructuring happens, sometimes you draw the short straw. Did they not provide any transition benefits or severance pay to help until you do find a job?
Unemployment is at its lowest rate in years. Is Histopathology what you studied? Can you leverage that to find another job? Or at least apply your medical background to another line of work like medical billing?
Quit playing wow until you find a job, that should be your #1 priority

They said they recieved a BA in health sciences or something.

That is not equivalent to an MD. Maybe it’s different in Australia, but in the US you match into a residency program after medical school and then can begin an option fellowship. I’m on that road now, and I have never heard of a resident getting “laid off.” You can get forced to retake a year or in obscure circumstances failed out.

In the case where your hospital gets shut down, restructured, or etc., I’m pretty sure AMSA has to find you placement somewhere else.