I just lost all of my trader tender!?

I had over 6 or 8k trader’s tender and now I have zero. What’s going on?

Okay… freak out over… I do not have access to trader’s tender on one of my characters but on another main characters it’s listed.

… and now it’s all back on all characters.

That was super weird.

I had the same issue just a minute ago and it was resolved with a relog. I had 1200 saved so I definitely had a sweat too lol. Glad it’s fixed.

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It’s a update issue between client and bnet, usually just visual and not permanent. The good news is tender is tracked in account management, under transaction history, if there’s ever any doubt about what you earned, purchase, and your balance.


Oh nice. Thanks for the link!

It was definitely a transient issue but with that many tendies I had a minor freak out :dracthyr_sweat:

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