I just hope Kalimdor's Horde gets content in Last Titan

I fell in love with Warcraft over 20 years ago because it was a franchise that took conventional monster races (Orcs, Trolls, Minotaurs) and humanized them. It made them as morally-complex and multifaceted as traditional “hero” races like Humans, Dwarves, and Elves.

But for 3 expacs now, they’ve been shelved. Largely, in Legion too.

Obviously, faction specific content has been pretty dead since BFA, but other races still have meaningful relations to the story. Such as Shadowlands & Dragonflight featuring Tyrande’s Arch, Ardenweald, the Emerald Dream, and New Teldrassil. TWW featuring Dwarven and Human lore. And Midnight obviously being some pan-Elven love letter.

I just hope the Horde bois go out with a bang when this is all wrapped up. I used to be a regular poster on these forums before Evil Warchief 2.0 nearly killed what attachment I had to WoW’s lore. But, thinking back to the good old days when my tribal monster dudes were the heroes of their own story, I just can’t quite kick it :cry:

Hope final expac really pushes Kalimdor’s Horde front and center to at least a third of the expansion again. Might be nice to give Forsaken a new city or something too, considering they were slighted just as much in BFA pre-patch, but without the 3 expansion long apology content Blizzard’s been pumping out for Night Elves :face_with_peeking_eye: