I just hit 50, and I am bummed

I have 14 characters at Max. Screw it. I’m starting more. Bored.


Nope, I’ll be here too :slight_smile: The wow residents will always be present :vulcan_salute:

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i was level 114 prior to the squish and level 48 after. i dinged 50 from doing Hallows End dailies and the Headless Horseman.

even at level 50 with just the black empire gear, i’ll get wrecked on HH phase3 if the healer isn’t ready for the pumpkin bang gang even with my 2 mitigations up

I think it’s always like this so close to a new expansion. Because any progression towards new gear or anything you make will just be made pointless with Shadowlands. Why bother?

Personally I’m having a bit of fun farming the visions to try and get the cool backpack transmog, but otherwise I’m pretty bored and debating leveling some alts myself. Maybe do one through each expansion?

More gear = more dps = faster 60s

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Level your alts for the covenant stuff. Gonna be a bunch of stuff you will be able to solo in shadowlands <3 And it will make picking covenants better if you have more alts then can do the other covenants.

I mean they could, and the reason I knew to turn of my EXP was because the forum warned me, but until that day happens, I’m doing it that way.

really don’t like scaling. I member when you could outlevel elite quest by few levels and complete it solo anyway. Now elites just levels up with you and you just have to skip those quests.


The best this game has to offer right now is 1-49. The it goes from amazing to just awful.


And I have 5, and I’m probably going to just let them all go.

In what previous expansion did they make it much harder to gear up in the prepatch? Right now a new 50 with an ilvl of 68 sees an ilvl of 60 gear in world quests. Normal dungeons are 72, heroic are 78, and mythic 0 are 85.

85 is a trash ilvl, not even high enough to solo elites with. It looks like new players in shadowlands will be expected to gear up for world quests by doing mythic+ dungeons.

Make new toon do wod stop xp.

The benefit is being able to just level all the way from 10 to 50 without having to travel between expansions all the time.

It works fine for what it is.

It would have taken too much dev time for what is essentially old content. I’d rather they make Shadowlands work.

You could still do that, if you turn off chromie time and go back to the zone.

they’re still have scaling. It’s just have brackets. No lvl 32 quests done on lvl 36 and such

Yea Blizzard really needs to get this event thing going soon

I can’t imagine actually attempting to play this game at 50 right now, I’d rather staple my eyeballs to popsicle sticks than do that. Especially as a fresh 50, the game is basically unplayable.


Sure it’s a bit more tedious to get your chars ilvl up, but it’s not impossible. Besides, this isn’t permanent. How do people not understand we are in a pre patch? I don’t get it. I’m the filthiest casual around here yet I understand what’s going on.

I fall asleep leveling. Still have fun in m+.

As a healer, I have to atleast think things out in m+. While leveling its just spamming the same 1 heal over and over most of the time.

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I’ve always said (as have many others) that the levelling/questing experience in Draenor was up there with the best that WoW has ever done. It was the crushing disappointment when you hit max level and realised that it was a choice between raiding or endless “fill the bar” chores dribbling tiny amounts of faction rep at you (sound familiar, Uldum/Vale?) that you realised just how much wasted potential (and cut content) WoD had.

Still, the garrison gold farm was something to do. Makes me think they left the 2000g emissaries and ~5000g paragon bags in 9.0.1 for a very good reason - because were it not for the gold chase at the moment, I doubt I’d be logging in to enjoy my deliberately weaked characters and the unfairly scaled-up world.

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Different people like different things. Leveling is relaxing, I can chill and watch videos on my other monitor while still collecting heritage armor and unlocking allied races