I just cant take it Anymore!

While I agree that players have changed, the overall negative atmosphere of the forums hasn’t much. Absolutely no real regulation of the forums seems to be the issue, in my eyes.

Um yea, this forum was just as negative during wod.

I wonder how many people here still remember the days of the sheer magnitude of butthurt that flooded the forums when TBC dropped. People want NUTS with how much they hated it and how their hard earned gear (and back then it was legit hard earned, not the scrub version of vanilla the classic players are playing now) was rendered useless with questing greens.


Sometimes the forums seem better depending on my mood. :thinking:

I remember. Same with WOTLK. I remember the Rune Scape is better rant, I remember the flame wars between players and Mods. I don’t see how people think that the forums use to be a good place. It’s been toxic since day 1. You give people the ability to speak their mind without having to face real consequences by being an anonymous user on the internet and there’s nothing people won’t say to each other. Face to face is vastly different & I bet many would tuck their tails between their legs and not say a word.

Welcome to society. People are more likely to talk about something negative or controversial than they would talk about something positive. Its part of human nature to spread bad news so we can better prepare for or avoid such things.

EH, its always the end of times on the forums. I still chuckle when I see people on here talk about how great the game was in MoP while complaining about BFA. The sky was falling back then, too. The dailies were too unfriendly to alts! :grinning:

OMG the irony. Pretends to not care but posts 4892 passive aggressive comments on these forums poking at anyone that posts negative comments.

You know what I think. I think you are bored to tears with this game and you enjoy posting on these forums more than actually playing the game, because the current game is just bad.

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Why do you people constantly make this excuse that some Youtuber negative comments are the sole influence on why people are posting negative feedback?

Maybe, just maybe, we can think for ourselves and what we see happening in the game and the direction Blizzard has taken with it, is something we just are not happy with?

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Probably because it’s the same 2-4 comments on every overblown drama that can usually be sourced fairly easily back to some YouTube video.

I guess your overwhelming praise for the game can be traced back to the pro WoW Youtubers influence then? Your comments mirror a lot of what I see on channels like Taliesin & Evitel

Sounds like someone doesn’t actually watch those videos lol

It’s the new generation of people. I mean, you open a thread to ask for any race and all you get is ppl intoxicating it with negativity, trolling and vitriol.

No I complain about elements I don’t like. Essences not being account bound for instance, and in fact I’ve disagreed with Baspirath quite vehemently in other threads on the topic.

I’ve also made threads complaining about the lack of CM engagement with the oceanic community, even before the layoffs. Actually I personally think they should have fired the whole CM team and hired a new one who would actually do their job.

My comments in this thread specifically were in direct relation to how disproportionately worked up people get, which is probably directly related to the cottage industry of people making money on YouTube through clickbait outrage.

I made one and got over 9000.

“say Something Nice”

I mean, most people just posted “something nice” but hey.

if it makes you feel better i posted something different, even though i really wanted to post “something nice”

I was responding to the OP’s…

So if he sees nothing but - it would imply the majority.

Where is your proof?

I am.
Not likeing the daily/weekly grind on my main. But I have my cloak at lvl 8 and my neck at 75 and I have decent essences for my spec. So I will be doing the bare minimum to run enough visions for the weekly cloak upgrade, but nothing more. Not grinding the new rep after seeing how long it would take.
But there are things I’m really enjoying:
-2 raid nights per week with an awesome guild
-Doing the daily emmisarys with my wife
-Running 3 M islands per week with my wife and son.
-Hitting a M+ with guildies
-Leveling a couple Vulpera for future content
(Yes, I enjoy leveling…I’m strange like that…)