I just cant get into dev evoker. Its so bad

The range, the awkwardness / clunkiness of using half their abilities, the bugs…how did this class get through alpha? It needs a total rework honestly


Plays perfectly fine IMO, super mobile so they’d have to kill that if they made the range longer.


I’m sure you and the one other dude in the woods enjoy it immensely.


Then dont play it not everything is for everyone.
Great there is variety to play stop expecting everything you will like.


Not everything is for everyone /shrug.

I hate frost mage for example.


It’s really fun but it is clunky at times. I think some of the clunk is by design, like how disintegrate doesn’t work right when you get 3 essence naturally. It’s better to just wait 1 more gcd than to use disintegrate immediately.

I think I like it more than preservation but preservation is also really really good.


I’m not feeling the mobility. Long cast times and a channel you can’t interrupt, and only an occasional, brief movement speed boost that requires talents to be actually useful. Demon hunter is mobile. Evoker feels pretty slow to me.


Your bad takes are everywhere nobody asked your lvl 12 alt character how about you come out of the closet

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Class is more than fine. Does massive damage only clunky if you don’t know how Movement works.


It’s not really fun until you get an amount of haste that makes your long casts and channels feel bearable, and an amount of mastery that makes you hit decently hard.

Dragonrage is where the clunk comes in (and the bugs too, but that’s a different issue). Clip your channels for maximum effect. It’s odd.

That is not by design, they tried to fix it.

I wouldn’t know, OP. I couldn’t get beyond how ugly the race is long enough to learn that the class isn’t fun to play.


Someday people will come up with better suggestions than that fallacy of, “just don’t play the game you love if you’re disappointed with this brand new addition no one asked for”.

It’s just endless variations of that fallacy, it’s become the go to thought terminating cliche now.
“We don’t wanna deal with your valid complaints, just go play something else already!!!”
And then the game dies lol. If WoW dies, just blame it on these people tbh. Word of mouth is a heck of a thing.


Well, it’s not optimal to be in a rush to put out disintegrate either way. The clunk encourages deliberate use instead of mashing buttons as soon as they are available so I don’t mind it anymore. Many times if you use disintegrate as soon as it becomes available you have to cancel channel because something spawns under you.

Dragonrage is much better without CD reduction talents for fire breath and eternity surge. I use them once per dragonrage and get maximum benefit. The other talents are better anyway, plus it makes my burst window way more fluent and consistent.

They’re not better as far as numbers go, dragonrage lasting longer by getting two rounds of extension off (you can get 3 with a PI) is a large net positive to your damage any way you shake it.

The extra essence from EoI isn’t helpful most of the time, and is unreliable without a decent amount of crit. Everburning Flames lends itself to doing longer empowers of fire breath, which doesn’t feel good in an environment where you have to move frequently, the talent is great for heavy sustained aoe though.

And there have been many situations in which i really did need to use the essence to cast a disintegrate right away, but it failed. Like while i’m prepping for a shattering star window and i waste the window because disintegrate fails to work.

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Either way it’s way too clunky to fit four empowered casts into a dragonrage window and for that reason I’m out regardless of how much better it is on paper. Consistency is king and my execution is way better with these talents.

Their other troll account probs got hit with a ban. Dude is trying to hard to be relevant.

OT - I agree, i tried them the other nught and felt like I was channeling/charging ma Lazor and nevwr actually felt good. Animations are pretty tho. No doubt they feel nicer the more you play them but initial feel was not great.

Yeaahhhh I just can’t imagine playing that race it’s very awkward looking.

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I struggled with it a lot until i made weakauras that made the buttons for them flash on my bar whenever the cooldown was up. I miss the extensions far less often now, only usually when a lot of things are happening at once and i get distracted.

I also attached a fart noise to them as training wheels until i was hitting it reliably. :stuck_out_tongue:

After that, all that remained was learning the ins and outs of when to clip disintegrate.

I just need a weakaura to help track the remaining duration of dragonrage and i’m set. Not sure how i want that to look though.

(I also have downloaded weakauras that help me track charges of burnout and hover’s duration, both immensely helpful)

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Yeah it’s a lot of busywork and I might set up some weak auras to make it natural but I’m really enjoying my current talents. The amount of disintegrates and pyres I can put out in a row are insane. Maybe I am just getting better at devoker and it’s not based on my talents but ever since I switched, it just flows really good.

It’s the same as when people say “well, maybe WoW/MMOs just aren’t the game for you” and it’s tiring to hear it repeated ad nauseum around here. People might as well just say “you’re right, that kind of sucks, but I put up with it, so why can’t you?”

It’s the ugliest race in the game without competition in sight. I wouldn’t play a Gnome or Vulpera without a gun to my head but I’d probably take the bullet before playing a Dracthyr.