I just ate a lot of pizza and feel overly stuffed

Is this going to lower my ability to play WoW?

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if it was anything but ham and pineapple you are doomed.


Me too, brother. We must game on. :handshake:


every slice of pizza increases your dps by 10%


It was simply pepperoni… oh well.

If that’s true I’m gonna join a Mythic guild


Eh, it might make you a bit sleepy once the carb coma kicks in, but should still be able to play

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A full stomach is a haste nerf


Not if it was pineapple pizza.


110% of 0 is still 0 :popcorn:

I’m just playin’

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no, pizza is always good, all the time, everywhere - go with extra cheese my friend

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Not necessarily a full stomach, but being full of gas is a HUGE haste nerf

Slowest I’ve ever felt is when I’ve had episodes of that “internal” gas that is trapped and won’t come out either end - absolutely brutal discomfort, basically brings you to your knees… you’ll be walking around half keeled over like an old man :persevere:

Honestly I rate being majorly bloated/trapped gas as worse discomfort then even the worse backpain


i know i just had a reply, but I just remembered, I haved stayed/lived in the US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, England, Portugal, Spain, Libya, Lebanon, and France, Pizza is a pretty unifying food, they all have it, and they all have restaurants that serve it. While i love many foods. pizzia maybe the most awesome food in the world.


pizza was the best thing invented since the wheel , i like banana peppers on my pizza , pizza and coffee for breakfast is bliss.

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And then it comes out and everyone around you keels over. :grin:

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Or you keel over in relief :open_mouth:

Quick, someone get the juicer! :robot: :loudspeaker:

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I just had a fried bologna and egg sandwich for dinner. It was delicious.

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No. Over consuming pizza is a 10% DPS/HPS buff.

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i was about to have t bone steak with baked potato and steam veggies with black forest cake for dessert, but not now after reading this post, throwing it in the garbage and going out for pizza.

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