I hope you all achieved your goals

Grats bud <3

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Did you end up getting 1800 as Hpriest after I tried to reserve psychology you into it?

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Actually forgot about that I think my priest is lvl 74 so you almost got me :rofl:

I woulda just cheated anyways and had kydrav and nez carry me

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He’s a dk main I don’t think he could play hpriest tbh. Just look at his ele.

Woah pretty toxic coming from someone who’s best results this season was strategist

Why do you always bring up my for fun ele that I end up just Qing with my friends alts that need the set unlocked ? I’m pretty confident if I mained ele I could do just as well as my dk. I just don’t feel the need to reroll I love the spec I play.

I guess I’m glad you feel that there’s something you can attack since you have felt the need to reroll before

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S1 kinda cool, played several things to duelist, memed to my elite via blitz thanks to juicer mmr. Didn’t see a point in doing strategist though

Maybe if rsham / destro doesn’t suck as much this ssn I’ll q actual 3s in my old age.


I’m hopeful this season will help the rsham bros


I did though none of them were Arena-based, does that count? :sweat_smile:

Wanted to try something different this season so decided to try 2 things I’ve never done;
tank Mythic + and heal BG Blitz:

Got enough rating in M+ for the Diamond Mechsuit mount and in BG Blitz for Rival II/weapon enchant + enough games for the mount.

Funnily enough I had the idea that these would be less stressful than Solo Shuffle, but that wasn’t always the case, haha

Still happy I did game modes I never did before, now to figure out what to do next season and the rest of this xpac, :sweat_smile:

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Nice! I didn’t even know that thing existed until after I had gotten 1950. Then I had to figure out where it was, haha. The game does a terrible job of explaining these things.

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One takeaway from this season is I don’t use any pvp addons. Maybe this season I’ll actually use addons for pvp especially for rated. All I use is damage meters lol.

Just came back to the game at Christmas after about a year and a half. PvP requires less time than raiding, so its easy to fit in. With the addition of solo shuffle, I’ve started enjoying arenas again and earned the elite gear for 2 characters, so fairly happy. Picked up Evoker just to level it and enjoyed it much more than I expected I would after getting past the learning curve for PvP.

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Wanted to live the Rsham dream in BGB this season. MW and Pres were just too hot to handle. </3