I hope they bring back Class Halls in the future

Since apparently, the World Soul Saga is going to be like ‘Legion, but void’ (In terms of the level of threat of global destruction), it would be interesting and also would make sense if they revitalized our Class Halls.

As I write this post, I have this Shaman AFK directly looking at the Maelstrom in the Shaman Class Hall and imagining exactly that.

The Class Halls, at least for most classes, have such interesting and cool designs that it’s sad to see them unused like this. And it was one of the features I liked the most about Legion, at least in terms of role-play and immersion.

It would be really cool if they brought back these places. (But without the artifact weapons system).


I was not a fan of class halls. They tried to make me the special snowflake— along with the other hundred people crowded around me.

Some of the storylines were also awful. Priests got royally screwed. And I really don’t want to see the mission table back.

They’d also have to make new ones for some classes, due to where they are. I don’t see that happening.

The whole point of Class Halls was that they were where we commanded our forces to fight the Legion, so I doubt they’d be brought back so we can do the exact same thing against the Void Lords. Also, considering what happens in early TWW, mages and rogues would need new ones because both had their Class Halls in Dalaran, and they would need to make one for evokers because that class didn’t exist during Legion.

Personally I’d prefer Garrisons return. I still use mine.

I think OP mostly means class halls from an aesthetic perspective, or maybe I’m just reading into it because that’s what I liked about them.

I’d just like to see them used as class specific quest or resource hubs, they were such cool venues to just be in even for halls where I didn’t care for the class campaign at all.

I agree it’s unlikely since the addition of a new class that doesn’t have a hall though.

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I would love it if a lot of the quests were class-specific. Like vanilla SWTOR.

Basically this, yes.

I mean, bring back the Class Hall, but not the systems lol

Sorry, I should have been more specific.
I understand your point, but I was referring to the places themselves, not the systems… I mean, it would be cool if they brought them back in some way, with other systems (Or no systems at all) at another lore context.

I loved the class hall concept but would hope for new ones if they want to do that again. I do want them to fix the weirdness with the level scaling so you can play through them without the xp becoming trivial at 45.