I hope that The War Within brings the originals back

With Originals, I mean all those characters born on Warcraft RTS era. Such as Vol’jin (he’s dead but could come back as a spirit or something), Medivh, Jaina or even Sylvannas and Illidan.

And I truly hope they bring them back with a well-written story that aligns with the characters’ personalities, without trying to invent new personality traits for them or placing them in senseless contexts just for the sake of bringing them back.

Yah, random post, but yeah

There’s already Thrall (wc3) and Alleria (wc2) with Anduin starting to resemble Arthas (wc3). :robot::magic_wand:

…and we also get another section of the nerubian kingdom (wc3).

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Vol’jin is in a seed regenerating to be reborn as a new Wild God, which could happen at any time the plot finds it convenient.

Thrall is confirmed to be a major character, as is Alleria. I’m sure other RTS characters will make their appearances.

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I mean maybe wild god. We don’t know what he’ll be when his seed pops open. Even the winter queen was perplexed and said basically “never seen this before no idea what you’re gonna turn into but sure go to bed”

Rezan gave up the last of his essence to empower Vol’jin, so he’ll probably come back as a powerful Loa. Hopefully he’s also some kind of cool dino-troll now too.

Well, he’ll probably call himself a loa but same thing, essentially.

“Non-mortal entity tied to the Life Domain and its mirror dimension in the Shadowlands in a rebirth cycle” takes too long to say.

My favorite part is how the Alliance is front and centered. Horde is in the back and in official showings, hidden behind the WoW/expansion logo.

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He’s gonna be loa something or other but something like him hasn’t ever existed before. A mortal soul having absorbed the soul of a loa. The winter queen has never seen that and didn’t really know what to make of it. Which could turn out to be a good thing. The Horde needs a really master blaster leader. The alliance has them in spades. Make voljin the Jaina proud more of the horde. The one you don’t mess with because you know they’ll wreck your crap

I read the title and thought what do Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah have to do with WoW.

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Okay im glad it wasn’t just me and also yes I’d be totally fine having those three around lol

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I do hope Vol’jin returns soon. The Horde roster is looking kind of thin these days between characters dying, leaving, or turning evil. They’ve got Thrall, Lor’thermar, Thalyssra…Baine I guess…would be nice to see Talanji again. They could use some more big names.

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This is the culmination of 20 years of Warcraft. You can expect a grand finale, super supreme fireworks going off, and the whole fam there to say cool stuff and help you save the day!

Think super epic and multiply it by 100

You’d think Thrall would be more prominent considering he is a shaman for the Azeroth plot. Maybe the horde can use Seline to connect to the Xal’atath villain? :memo::robot:

edit: Still forget she’s not undead but she is important to the forsaken. Would you consider her a horde character? :robot::thought_balloon:

I don’t understand why they didn’t make her undead. We literally bring her back from the dead in Legion! The Forsaken religion was formed around her teachings!

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Sometimes I don’t think they planned ahead for the Forsaken concerning the new characters they get. :mag::robot:

…and the one they lose. :robot::sweat_drops:

Actually, it was things like this I hoped that Shadowlands would be about, but it really wasn’t, not much. The idea of transforming people into another species and wiping their memory didn’t sit well with me.

I wouldn’t mind Rebekah and Elijah, but I really think Klaus should probably stay in a box. I’m just saying. He’s not much for being reasoned with, and before (spoilers, I guess?) Rebekah gets stabbed on prom night, she was showing signs of being a really (relatively) decent person.

edit:: ok, i’ll just say it. “and elijah is hot.” My heart beats for Damon, but if he was out of town, hoo buddy.

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