I hope SOD gets Solo Shuffle so retail gets fixed

There are big problems currently with the game and the only way it will be fixed is if the talented dev team in SOD gets Solo shuffle

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Isnt that the one where they are like “we dont really care about balance”?

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Yet it gets updated every 20 minutes

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SoD was released in an untested Beta?

Sounds pretty untalented if you have to do so many updates after going live.


OP said that the SoD devs are supremely talented and thats why they need to work on solo shuffle.

Yet if retail was released as unbalanced as SoD was and needed the constant fixes SoD is getting people would be complaining how bad and untalented the devs are.

“paying for beta” and other such remarks.

I wonder if a 20 year old game with a different coat of paint and a fraction of the complexity that retail has in even 1 expansion has anything to do with the speed and supposed ease their devs have with tweaking it.

Also who the frick cares about PvP?

Yup, they even got Premades in BGs and Epic BGs fixed, we’ve had that problem in Retail for years! Thank you for supporting my post as well by the way! Please support Cyrios from the Community Council, he’s made a CC Forum post linking mine as well, calling for something to be done for PvP.

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tell that to the enhance shamans lol