Like buying a house from a Demon in a Legion world if you’re a Warlock, or getting an Ebon Blade apartment in ICC if you’re a DK, etc.
Having class themed decore and buildings would be great. But I still cannot reiterate enough that I want an empty lot that I can customize to resemble different zones/environments/settings and then build my own structures with building blocks of various races and themes.
My Death Knight does not want an apartment. He wants a citadel in Icecrown.
My Warlock does not want a fel burnt crag in the Twisting Nether. He wants a medical facility with a secret mad scientist laboratory.
I really hope Blizz takes the initiative to build a system that let’s players make custom tailored homes and not just one-size-may-fit some prebuilts or apartments.
I don’t want to be forced to have neighbors. I don’t want them in real life. I damn sure don’t want them in my fantasy.
How would that remotely work with alts?
You buy one house for each character
I’d get a condo in icc but the HOA fees are killer and the ambiance is kinda dead.
I would own a city then.
I hope so too.
But I also hope they are only achieved in-game through a long series of class specific quest lines. Much like Warlock mounts or even the tier .5 quests.
We all know they don’t have this kind of passion or dedication anymore though.
The types of things you are talking about exist, and can be custom built, in ESO already, so hopefully, Blizz will do it right as well! (I own several properties in ESO and have built some crazy elaborate stuff, and seen even more elaborate!)
Doubt it. I fully expect a very basic house with barely any customization and all instanced. I expect that cause if it’s that, I can’t be disappointed.
I would like my own portal room XD
Smart choice. Set your aims low for Blizzard and when it arrives you’ll enjoy it for what it is instead of what you wanted it to be.
To be honest I would prefer that. Means I can ignore it even more than I already plan to and I can believe that they didn’t use too much dev time on it.
HOA President: “Hey, Mazrael, how’s it goin’? Yeeeah. I couldn’t help noticing your condo doesn’t have enough bleakness and despair. You do remember signing the HOA agreement, right? We all have to do our part. It takes a village.”
I have heard lots of good things about ESO housing. I have not played in a number of years but if that is the case WoW should definitely draw some ideas from what they are doing.
I want a split level ranch with a big fireplace and a huge yard and a big garage to keep all my mounts in. Maybe a helicopter pad out back to park my copters and rockets.
I’d rather you could decorate it in a class flavour, but I’d prefer a racial identity design.
But I am a Demon, I want to live in a Demon world with the other Demons so we can all do our demonstrations together
I feel like Class specific is not bad, but race specific would fit better. If you play a Forsaken warlock, you would already have the best of both. As a Gilnean, I am hoping for something that looks Victorian from the starting zone.
You can do all of this in ESO, even program your mounts and/or pets to walk/run (invisible paths that you program) around your property!
So again, hopefully Blizz will take come cues from them…