I Hope It's Not To Late to Change Course on Dracthyr

As it stands, the current model of the Dracthyr looks like a cross between Jar Jar Binks and the Sethrak. They have long skinny necks, small sloped shoulder, and doughy looking hips. Instead being menacing and fierce, they look like the comic relief of a Disney Pixar animation.

Blizzard! Please take what your fans have to say into consideration before it’s too late.

Here’s a great compilations of ideas that have been floating around on the internet.


The dragon form is fine to me.

The visage form is complete trash.

They’re an experiment created by meshing together Trolls, Tauren, Nelfs and primitive Humans. That does NOT create a current human, and especially, a Belf model. It’s sloppy, it’s lazy, it looks bad.

They need to make a unique visage model to go with the new heads. And get rid of the damn duck lips.


I would love to see a brand new model representing their unique hybrid of races they were made from.
I just hope the dragon form has good customizations like they hinted at for body type.

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LoL, you nailed it.

I’m 99% certain that a rework is coming. It all depends on whose design the current visage is. So many bad ideas make it into final products because someone too high up to be told their idea is bad has designed it.


IDK… I think their dragon form looks too scrawny and too snake-like or lizzard like. The Model shown at 7:11 looks show small touch-ups to the jaw, neck, shoulder, chest, legs, hands, feet, and tail that make a big difference but don’t seem like the original concept was completely discarded.

The fan art design at 8:38 looks pretty awesome too, but that one is a bit more of a stretch, since it makes big changes to the original.

Either way, I think a lot of players are going to be unhappy with the current iteration if it goes live.

I will be honest.

I loathe the “fixes”. I like the sleek and snakey looking model they have. I don’t want to be the Furaffinity Special.


At this point I’d take Jar-Jar. Heck I’d like to take their underwater Gungan city.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


i mean do you expect a group of critters that are strictly magic users to be ripped?

Even when they unlock all the class/race combos, they don’t need to be jacked then either.

That said i also would prefer a diff body shape/design, but it is what it is.

Maybe the fanbase can make a big enough of a ruckus to push a change like the fans did for the first Sonic movie.


“Jar jar binks”

Thank you for the belly laugh and deepened winkles around my eyes :laughing:


Basically, it boils down to this: if that visage stays the way it is, myself and many I know won’t be playing them, won’t RP with them, and there are quite a few who won’t even buy the expansion with that visage the way it is. Honestly, I might be one of them. That visage just triggers me too much in it’s nonsensical lazy non-design.

The design in UGLY. I mean this seriously shows how out of touch and cut off from the gaming world the current developers are in the things they do and green light. My skepticism towards the next expansion is sky high. Whether it’s good or bad there are other games to play especially now so I hope they get their act together.

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A sneak peek at my Dracthyr hanging out with his new horde buddy:


Personally i love the current models and they said there would be more body options for them, which is more than what all the other races get. (also these things look like they are going to be pretty big. compare them to the bug monster then compare them to the human/nelf in the demo vid)
I’d be more than happy to see more optional body types for everyone but if i am being completely honest i think the fan revisions look absolutely hideous. WoW is full of bulky beefcakes. I want something more slender for once.


I actually like them as they are.
The redesign given looks a lot worse to me.

The only thing i actually dislike about them is that you can only play one class.
If you like the race but not the ONE class then you cant play the race at all. That sucks.


The main complaint I keep seeing is it’s ugly furry fetish bait, but then their redesigns are Hyper_Dragon_SFM.mp4

We really needed some more slender bodies for guys. As casters, it makes sense for them to be lithe and scrappy looking. My only issue is the visage form which should have been open to all the base races.


Meesa breafe da fiya on yoooou


Dracthyr looks like Mushu, and i don’t like Mushu.

If I do make one I’m going to call it jarjarthyr

Except those fans who like them as is, right? Because screw us. :stuck_out_tongue:

My only hope is that if Blizzard adds options, that they leave what was already there for those of us who were looking forward to that, too. It sucks being scared to actually look forward to something because you think it’s gonna end up being drastically changed before you even get a chance to play it. :frowning:


Actual fear of reliving female worgen 2.0.