I hope delves never come back

I like both of those things very much honestly.


What if… you just don’t do Delves and do whatever else you wanna do?


There are some quests that sent us to a delv but those are so far “on any difficulty”. Just blast through on level one and have it done if so BUT that may change later.

I mean if I can solo a tier 3, I’m sure a tier 3 is super boring to heal a group through!

I’m sure the up in difficulty will make it feel better.

I love ESO but the WoW delve is much better than the ESO delve

You could just do other stuff instead


As always such subjective things are always a matter of opinion. :sunglasses:


ESO delves are basically WoW world rares in caves lol.

Like the little cave systems in WoW and mines and stuff would be delves in ESO


Just DON’T DO IT, don’t ask to never come back, there still raids and mythics, nothing will be replaced


Delves arent even out yet.

Have you thought maybe it’s optional content and you don’t have to force yourself to do them?

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If you don’t enjoy them, I suggest not doing them. They’re not required for anything. I do enjoy them, many others do as well.

Removing content is never a good idea. Thinking back to the uproar when Battle for Undercity was removed after wolk ended. Part of the Cataclysm expansion revamp I guess. You might not enjoy doing delves, and that’s fine, but others might enjoy them. They are a little better than the previous iterations imo. Having to farm keys to open up loot boxes in them is kinda stupid though. Once you complete the objectives inside folks should be able to open them at the end without needing keys. But I guess that would make the useless world quests in this xpac even more useless, than they already are outside of farming keys lol.

I’m kind of impartial to them, but I know a lot of people who have been liking them, so I don’t see the issue.

Correct. You should git gud and not do casual content.

I really like the Delves, it adds a whole new layer of experience, especially for more casual players. It’s not easy or cake-walk, and some are a bit rough but it’s a great introduction and hope they do more with them in the future. MOAR DELVES, PLZZZ.

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OK, so it’s not just Delves then?

First you’re not even playing any of the good tiers yet.

Second the only way it’s like Torghast is the same way everything is.

Third if you don’t like them they don’t do them

"Heroic dungeons suck I hope blizzard stop making dungeons in future expansions. "

This is what you sound like.


I’m having more fun reading anti-delve posts than actually playing TWW. Keep up the great work.