I have unlocked Kul Tirans

Let the Shanty-pocalypse begin.


You’ve made a grave error.

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I disagree. I grew up 20 miles from a pirate town. You are not prepared for my nautical hijinks.

Welcome borther


Welcome brother, grab yourself some loops.

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Another welcome from me. I’ve hit 100 on my KT Hunter and am going to grind Korrak’s to unlock the heritage armor for my KT Rogue :smiley:

PS: their racial, the haymaker punch, will send someone FLYING. Super fun, especially on bridges, towers, cliff edges etc.

Just remember. Work the bridge in AV. You will make people so mad that they literally stop nuking your team just to nuke -you-. Happened to me after the 20th time last AV I did. I think they got fed up when a DK deathgripped into the whole horde team.

I humbly offer a heavy metal cover of a shanty for the Shanty Throne.

Don’t forget that they like shanties in Drustvar too

Welcome friend!!

:musical_note: I dreamed a dreeeaaaam the other niiiight! :musical_note:

Welcome to the thicc side.

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No! You’re not allowed!

It’s too late, Rhok. The shanties have already begun.

Seriously…the tauren king of dad jokes is saying farewell to the Horde for shanty hijinks and not one of you thought of this? For shame I say.

We raise to you…a “parting glass”

Wait, who said I was leaving?

I’m just shantying in the off hours.

It was a joke based on “losing yourself in alts”…Like I have been for roughly months now XD

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