I have trouble self casting and I sometimes have to wait the time to log out in a city

On the priest that is in my little frame I am having some problems and I am going to try to explain it as best as I can. Since I created the priest I have had to constantly click the available spells. And I have trouble self casting and when I try to log out in a city I have to wait for a log out time. I won’t lie the most annoying thing is the fact that I have to keep on clicking on the the available spells

I think you might be trolling but to give you a benefit of the doubt, make sure while in the city that you’re not standing right outside city limits. If you are talking about capital cities. Small towns don’t count as capitals and you would have to wait to log out if you’re not at an inn.
As far as self-casting, most spell don’t even require you to target yourself, but pressing F1 and clicking a spell would ensure you’re casting on yourself. All spell have a casting time unless they’re specified as instant cast.

I can’t cast fort on myself without pressing f1

Check the options there is a setting for auto self cast

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