I would assume it is for the stress test. I have been in the stress tests only and that’s what mine says as well. I hope yours is a full blown beta, though!
i believe the “active sub” was just to get into beta…for the stress test you just need an account.
to be specific … and active account
whatever that means !
just means an account that is not banned.
Honestly I’d love to try it also. I’m down to three classes to choose from to play, and though I’m leaning heavily toward Mage I’d like to try them all out so when classic launches I can just make my toon and go. But I will not resub for a 48 hour stress test LOL. Nope.
They should make this one available to anyone, subbed or not. If they really want to know if the server can handle it that is. Because there are a lot of players who will not resub for a stress test or a chance at getting into the beta who do plan to resub when classic launches. They’re going to have a much bigger rush on the servers at launch than they can test for as it is now.
It says “active game account”, not “account”.
I have an account.
But my account is “inactive” cause I don’t have a sub currently.
Sub required confirmed. Once you select a realm it says, “Active game time is required in order to play World of Warcraft: Classic (WOW51900331)”
Apparently you do need a sub to participate in the stress test. Oh well don’t feel like resubscribing, current retail wow is just not for me.
wouldnt that be more like an actual stress test then?
they have no idea how many people MIGHT decide to play once the game is actually out. Right now they are artificially capping the results.
requiring a sub to STRESS TEST is a dumb idea. They are preventing possibly millions that might would STRESS the servers by not allowing them to actually log in.
no, but you need some amount of active game time, even if it used to be active, but is no longer active