OP: I have the 464 ilvl Verdant Combatant’s Signet ring on Carnagias. Free crafts with your mats. More coming, I am going to buy a lot more after servers are back up. in general I can make all professions all recipes for DF and almost all in game too, max ranks on all DF items, so far it’s been auto R5 with no procs base 1st craft. I can make with you on gold costs. I’m on daily and you’ve probably seen my post in trad, it’s not spam, I’m real, and it’s just what I came up with to post to let people know about stuff I can make.
I’ve got xmogs, RFTG stuff, ultra rare items, toys, all kinds of stuff. If you name it I probably have it. I’m open to doing trades for items instead of gold on the right stuff.
Lastly, I’m looking for a solid rated 3s team to get glad. I don’t have any glad in general because I’ve never put any time into as I have always focused on raiding fervently.
My main is Carnagias Ret Pally, I’m maxed out on bloody tokens upgrades. LMK!