Yay me!!!
i’m so proud of u <3
Now to never post again to maintain the aesthetic since the next repetition milestone is 22222.
gonna have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. its 11111 posts not 1111 posts.
How will you feel next time Blizzard changes forums and resets everybody’s forum post count?
you measn the next time *demon hunters reset the forums.
There only one level that matters and you passed that 1042 posts ago
you forgot one… one.
And now you can’t post again because you’ll mess up your number…
the plot thickens.
nobody else can like this dude’s reply it has to stay at 1
Yay you!!!
1111 in binary would be decimal 15 or Hex F.
However if the first bit was a sign bit in two’s complement binary (what almost if not all computers use today) it would be a -1.
lol xD
My turn, also I didnt realize the title was off… By 1.
Come back to me once it is 1,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111 posts.