I have offically quit WoW

well my friend, imagine an activision game but wow + ads, dlc etc

That sad day when even minecraft is better

Until you meet the 6 week old embryos that play that game aka the fanbase

Truth is blizzard arent “by gamers for gamers” anymore they care about their money about everything else, wow is basically a online casino app with its form disguised by a fantasy adventure “mmorpg” remember that hog mount they just released or the fox mount? i rememember, blizzard is setting the game on fire with flamethrowers, i whouldnt be suprised to see ads or dlc on the “game”
unless blizz finally actually tries for once in their life, the “wow is dead” troll will actually become a reality

When the heros thought azeroth was at peace once more, an evil arose, the ultimate villain who is truly killing azeroth his name is JOH- ION Haraka, his plans seek to destroy for money making , it is up to you the heros to fire him from his job and save azeroth and the universe!
1 new raid, Blizzard headquarters, 19 bosses
1 new dungeon, Satanvision`s fortress
5 new mounts
1 new continent, Fallen azeroth {The future when blizz and acti destroy it}
1 new race, Greedy boiz
Ultimate patch boiz
coming soon in sept 20th 2022

Dont forget Jesus c[quote=“Kiderius-doomhammer, post:31, topic:137751, full:true”]

Dont worry i got this
Greedy boiz
Lore: after years of slavery at satanvision, the greedy boiz turned very greedy and killed satanvision slave masters for da moony, they escaped and now wanna help azeroth and save it, of course with money as a reward…
also lets not forget the thin boiz {the skinny kultirans}
also in the blizz raid, the bosses are, pingspoofing, Ben swolo, leia poppins, Dr jekyl and mr hyde, King hippo, AVGN, Tony the talking clock with a pizzer sword as a weapon, metzen the reindeer and then ion harak

Dont forget jesus christ who uses holy related attacks and screams “MY SON!!!” into your headphones until your ear bleeds, his true weapon

Dont forget jesus christ who uses holy related attacks and screams “MY SON!!!” into your headphones until your ear bleeds, his true weapon

as long as i can put a few rounds of bullet into ion`s head and shove expansion packs up his rectum count me in as well

as long as i can put a few rounds of bullet into ion`s head and shove expansion packs up his rectum count me in as well

i think we`ve gone too far, now lets get back to talking crap about this game

“It helps us make money, it keeps stocks in line…”
“Money is important and i am greedy”
“Theres alway time for Money…”
“Money is good like the vanilla time…”
When you fight tony that will be his quotes
Honestly though the AVGN needs to review bfa, that whould be awesome and maybe it might make players avoid wow more from him calling out the issues blizz keeps purposely making, and maybe just maybe they might load their underwear with terds when they realise subs have fallen by the thousands due to the video and might actually try to make their game better, or of course they probally wont and just ignore the fact sub counts are going down the toilet…

BFA only last as long as the content you can create for it. As for me pets, achieves, mounts and toys keep me going.

Remember what papa Menethil said, “No king rules forever”

Well, for me, World of Warcraft is still enjoyable. I actually thought BFA was the best expansion. I just regret not playing on my warrior, or hunter for that one. I played a Tauren paladin. What was I thinking? I generally play Alliance to, btw. They really have upted the quality with vast cut scenes in Dragonflight where you have to pay attention a little bit. It’s honestly like being in a movie.