ever since the implimintation of punishments for players leaving keys there seems to be a HUGE influx of players jsut ALT+F4ing out of the game after they mess up mechanics.
as of today ive had roughly 5/10 players just log after dieing then the key is essentially bricked… is there any way to fix this? because i know leaving a key is punishable but not alt f4ing?
Hmmm… Maybe a fluke? I pug a fair bit, and have not had that happen even once in past couple of weeks.
Alt F4 closes the entire application and is a function of the operating system, not something Blizzard can control.
I’ve seen 2 people just log. Not sure of the mechanics of their logging out.
One group we all waited over 10 minutes since the key was bricked and we were at the final boss. The guy logged back in and they were surprised that we were all still in the group waiting for them.