I have no idea what I'm doing


Okay, you’ve gotta choose: Rampage or Execute? These are gonna be your damage dealers.

Single target: Raging Blow until Rampage/Execute. Repeat.

Multi-target: Raging blow to build up rage, Whirlwind to give you cleave, Rampage/Execute until everything dies.

Everything else is situational. Low on health? Bloodthirst. Out of rage and raging blow is on cooldown? Use something like Siege breaker.

I’ve chosen my talents specifically to empower my rampage and my whirlwind and tbh I’ve been having so much fun - if this has changed a ton in the beta, I apologize - this is just my DF experience.

As for how it feels, I feel like you need to build a rhythm. Look at health bars like puzzles you need to enter a specific code to unlock. You start to understand when to push rampage into another rampage and to extend rage into places you never thought possible.

Yes. Yes it is. LOL I keep saying this every time I run something in Retail right now. :rofl:

I know nothing right now either! Buttons light up and I hit them. :grin: