I have been offered a trial please ignore till deletion

Hello! You might want to check us out since we have lower requirements and we are indeed a semi-hardcore mythic prog guild for shadowlands. We have a very rich raiding background, although due to how late we started playing Wow we couldn’t gather enough to do mythic prog for NYA. We are looking for people like you who has mechanical knowledge and would only need to brush up on rotations or class play. We are however based in US-frostmourne and would require you to transfer if you are interested in us. To further ensure our security in mythic prog, we have a route map planned for our roster ignorer to strengthen and recruit even more players for mythic when it arrives in december.

In addition, we do actually have mythic raiders in our guild at 3/12 to 7/12M so I believe we are definitely off to a good start. Do message me if you are interested thanks!
