Seeking 3+ day Oceanic raiding guild. I plan on maining warrior but can switch to DK/WW monk/Rogue if need be and maybe maybe Mage/Warlock.
I am currently on Zul’jin US so I would have to transfer or level a character on an Oceanic server
I am available
(Oceanic AEDT) 7:30pm - 12:30am Monday to Friday
I have not done any raiding since Mythic Uldir and only reached 2/8 before the guild disbanded so I took a bread from being an azerite slave. I raided semihardcore (3days 4hours) in HFC as ret pally and cleared M HFC in current content.
I pick up and do mechanics consistently, I have the right attitude and know when i’ve messed up and can take blame where I deserve it while actively trying to improve myself outside of game.
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/zuljin/ebolabunny#zone=19&difficulty=5 Mythic DK logs, just 2 kills on the first 2 of M Uldir
www.warcraftlogs .com/character/us/zuljin/ebolabunny#zone=19&difficulty=4 DK Heroic Uldir logs
When I played Paladin in WoD during M HFC logs too, I don’t really want or plan to play Paladin in Sl though.
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/zuljin/denethore?zone=8&new=true
Add my bnet if interested oscure3#1453 or send mail to Ebolabunny- Zul’jin or Brotality- Zul’jin
Hello! You might want to check us out since we have lower requirements and we are indeed a semi-hardcore mythic prog guild for shadowlands. We have a very rich raiding background, although due to how late we started playing Wow we couldn’t gather enough to do mythic prog for NYA. We are looking for people like you who has mechanical knowledge and would only need to brush up on rotations or class play. We are however based in US-frostmourne and would require you to transfer if you are interested in us. To further ensure our security in mythic prog, we have a route map planned for our roster ignorer to strengthen and recruit even more players for mythic when it arrives in december.
In addition, we do actually have mythic raiders in our guild at 3/12 to 7/12M so I believe we are definitely off to a good start. Do message me if you are interested thanks!
Hey thanks for the reply, unfortunately it looks like your raid times are 4:30am to 7:30am for my time zone and that’s not something that I can make work. 
i apologise! good luck
edit: actually it looks to be 1030pm - 0130am for AEST since AEST is GMT+10
Bump, still looking for 3+ day. Added some logs.
Bump, Have a Warr and DK ready to go on Oceanic.
Still considering our 1030pm to 0130am AEST time slot? We do need 1 UHDK or War to complete our roster. 
Hey Lunar I have been offered a trial on Frostmourne, you may have misunderstood me earlier haha I run on PST and 1030pm to 0130am AEST is 4:30am to 7:30am PST which is right in the middle of the time that I am available.