I have become a wow refugee

Nope OP can’t keep up with the game that has gotten easier. That’s on him.

He said he was quitting the game because he didn’t like gambling and toxicity. I think that’s a fair assessment. I didn’t see him mention anything about difficulty keeping up.


^ Please read original post.

Doing something with friends. That’s why you (and most people) enjoy it, not the speed in which you do it. It could be challenging without a timer too.

The last thing most players want to do is watch someone play a game they could be playing themselves. Watching people race against the clock? Racing games already exist and WoW shouldn’t be one of them.


From what I can tell you started playing in Cataclysm, no? So you haven’t ever known WoW without LFG or even LFR. There was a time when having high item level wasn’t the only metric that mattered on whether you got into groups or not. There also wasn’t artificial time gating that required daily effort to stay competitive. WoW has indeed changed a lot, in a lot of ways trivializing content that used to be the meat of the game (making it “easier” as you said) and adding game content that demands your time instead of getting a time investment because it’s enticing to play. People in Vanilla quit their jobs to play 16 hours a day, and that wasn’t because there were pet battles or even daily quests. I’ll let you read the thread and figure out why.


For one, seeing as WoW is incredibly casual, with tons of ways to play, and several avenues to gear up, the argument could be made that it is already family schedule friendly. Certainly compared to the MMOs of old, and even to how WoW used to be. How much more friendly can it get?

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The game has always been about getting better gear in order to get even better gear until some point a patch or expansion comes out, negates that gear and the quest for gear begins again.

In the past though it seems like there was less gear to get and more control or options on how to get it.

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This game has never been family friendly.


My family would disagree


You would be incorrect that I started in cata.

Please don’t tell me why I enjoy it. I know why enjoy it. Doing it with friends is a major part of it sure, but the timer is THE challenge. It ensures that you can’t cheese everything by standing around for 5 mins until major cooldowns come back up. It forces you to plan out your route and pulls on high keys. I LOVE having the timer.

Considering that the MDI and world race had over 100k live viewers suggests that there’s absolutely a market for it. I’m not saying WoW should revolve around e-sports. It shouldn’t. But if myself and others enjoy the part of it that is an e-sport, why shouldn’t it exist?

Oh, I’m not saying it shouldn’t exist either. But it should be a niche audience, that’s secondary to the primary audience of people who want to play the game. Putting a timer on content that already exists should not be used as a replacement for new dungeon content. Most major patches should add 1-3 dungeons (like they used too.)

I wonder if players were asked if they wanted existing content artificially accelerated with a timer or new content with slim margins for error (like the mage tower, but in a dungeon format) what they would pick? Honestly, a new punishing dungeon with a timer WOULD be exciting, that I completely agree with.

Would you rather play in the MDI or watch someone else do it? That’s a genuine question I’m asking you specifically. Would you want to do one or the other, or both?

I only paraphrased what you wrote in your original post, I didn’t tell you anything. :slight_smile:

WoW has never been better


I agree with all you said except the gear grind, this is the carrot on a stick that keeps us playing. We always want good gear, what has changed is the way we get it now. You basically don’t have to raid to get a raid gear ilvl, not raid quality, just ilvl.
While that’s great for us filthy casual players and our army’s of alts. It hurts the game by removing a set path to follow to get good gear. Why go through the second job of a 3 day a week raid group, when I can just wait for the same world quest rewart to titan forge? Sure, the stats aren’t the greatest but it gets the job done. I am casual, so this system is good for me, but as a former raider I do understand why they hate this system.
Another thing I believe the developers have lost touch with over a decade. When released this was a complex beast of a game, but thats why we love it. You could either buy a play station and use 8 buttons with a joy stick, or get into a PC game and use a keyboard. It was the complexity, in professions, rotations, and the absolute need to use strategy engaging groups or meet death. Now we just run in, train the 10 we need to kill, and use 3 or 4 buttons and done.
That is the main reason I look forward to classic, complexity. I know I will never have that awe inspiring feeling exploring classic, that was a first time in wow thing. But the rest of it is going to awesome to return to.


Grow up. Unless you’re 9, then this is a completely fine way to respond.
If not, then you’re a stupid face noob. Naaaaah!

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The best gear is the only way to stay at the top, but most of us here on the forums aren’t in that position. Yes we want nice gear to compete and to survive out in the world of Azeroth. I really couldn’t care less what the e-sports teams are doing and I certainly am not planning to watch them play. I just want to play my game and enjoy what time I have each day. Most of the time that’s 5-6 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Was it ever a “safe place”? I thought it was a game where you came to kill stuff. Never thought of it as a “safe place”.


do you seriously believe 379 is raid ilvl?

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Sorry friend, I had to stop reading at Poker Machine…


Mr. Hazzikostas is the sort of person who inspires quips about sharks and professional courtesy. I have not thought well of him since he gave that unfortunate interview to Polygon announcing that there would be no more flying ever in World of Warcraft.

I believe the attempt to remove flying had nothing to do with “trivializing content” or “vision,” and everything to do with the fact that it costs a lot more to design a zone that will be viewed by freely moving characters in three dimensions. Activision, as anyone who is paying attention knows, is all about cutting costs and maximizing profits.

It’s too bad that nobody told Messrs. Kotick and Hazzikostas that a well-crafted product, like World of Warcraft once was, generates greater profits when allowed to mature properly. There were many more and happier players when the focus was not on the quarterly call with shareholders, but on creating a top-notch experience for players, no matter how long it might take to get it just the way the developers wanted. When they had the time and resources they needed to do their best work.

In those days, the servers were full and so were Blizzard’s coffers.

Just saying.


Finally, a mature and polite critic about bfa. The op have my respet.