I have an idea

I know of way to revitalize wow.
introduce gollum into the game.
this may be controversial but i feel that gollum will bring sub numbers back up.

you know you want this in wow.

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Isn’t that just a leper gnome?

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no. it is THE GOLLUM. imagine all characters fused with gollum.

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if memory serves, we already had this character in the game during warlords of drain war there was a large cave crawling with little versions of this dude, and then the big guy that was the rare back in the cave next to all the red mushrooms was actually named something like this and looked exactly like this. It was already added to the game and it was actually the worst expansion in the game history.

Hitting the lettuce early tonight, eh bread?

how dare you hate on gollum.

exc use me it is ILLEGAL HERE TO EAT THAT STUFF. i must report i am only drunk. HOW DARE YOU FLUFFY POTATO PERSON.

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Yeah, we got a reference to the guy on Draenor with those pale orcs.

I think it’s odd we don’t see any more pale orcs- can we not recreate them on Azeroth or something?

I would love playable, pale orcs, lol kinda like Lord of the rings oh wait, there’s another reference

that is not gollum. that is a warcrime.

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Alex A. and Ion H. are highly offended that you spitting on their work :rofl:

good. i hope they upset.

It’s funny, as soon as I read “I have an idea” I just knew this was a Bread thread…

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best idea ever.

If we’re just adding random characters from other franchises, i say add Ewoks from Star Wars (give them to the Alliance of course!).

no. i vote for elder guru.

Is that like a Walmart brand Jabba The Hutt?

I feel like there’s a lot of Sailor Moon stuff that has just not made it into the game and I have an idea for a female blood elf and a Sailor Moon outfit and Goldshire.

you dare insult guru elder!
he will unleash your potential.

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This isn’t Fortnight.

We don’t need cross overs.