I have a really dumb Hunter question, don't throw rocks please

Do your pet’s abilities need to be slotted on the pet bar for them to use them?
I really like a clean UI so I unslotted my pet’s abilities off it so I could have a cleaner UI experience…but I didn’t stop to think if it actually needs them there to use them apart from basic auto attack or if it just uses it’s abilities innately.

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Main abilities should be on your pets own bar. Other unique abilities will have to be added to your own. Call, dismiss, play dead, fetch have to be added to your bars.

No wonder it seems like he isn’t taunting lmfao.

Taunt is on your pets bar. Should be a fanged mouth with dancing lines around it. If it’s active its flashing and off will not flash.

As I said, I removed all my pet’s abilities from it’s bar because I wanted to clean up my UI and there’s no way to just “hide” hotbars without disabling them that I know of without addons.
I put the buttons back, so that’s that.

no they do not need to be slotted in the action bars to be active. you can turn your pets main abilities on and off ie. bite, smack, claw, and growl in the spell book menu in the pet tab. I would however put growl somewhere just incase it is on or off when it shouldn’t be.


Growl behaves inconsistently when it isn’t slotted into the pet bar. You should always have it on there, as the auto cast logic seems dependent on this to work properly.


Like someone said before it doesn’t have to be but it should be. Also, it might just be the case that you have taunt toggled off.

Assuming you are using the default UI, you can always go into Edit Mode, move the pet bar somewhere out of the way, and I believe reduce the size of it. Not the same as hiding it, entirely, but perhaps better than nothing.

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Dumb is what dumb does. I’m not sure this is what dumb does.

I played Warlock since the beginning. It’s bad news if the abilities DON’T get used at all, especially because in the utility department, Warlock pets rated better than Hunter pets.

I gotta say, the recent weeks have been nice here. Ah. Nice, cool, clean, desert.

Asking questions the game doesn’t easily give you the answer for is never a bad idea. Happy Hunting!

But you have a level 80 hunter already, right? :joy:

“ It’s not the plane it’s the pilot.”

Self-awareness is rare these days…

Thanks for self reporting.