I have a lore question about demon hunters and warlocks


I have a question about the dynamic in lore between demon hunters and warlocks. Are they meant to be partners in crime? or are they meant to hate eachother?


You know, I am not sure. It would seem kind of Hypocritical of either to actively hate the other. “Oh I can use Demons and the Fel to combat our enemies, but you cannot.” mentality. So I would have to say they are more partners to an extent. Don’t really have anything to back it up, that’s just my opinion on the mater.

I’d imagine this is largely a matter of nuance and/or down to the individual. Obviously Legion aligned Warlocks would be seen as enemies, and it could be speculated that some Demon Hunters would at least be skeptical or wary of Warlocks; they deal with most of the same things but in different ways and potentially with different motives.

We have at least one notable instance of the two willingly cooperating in Marius Felbane and Tehd Shoemaker, so there is at least precedence for them not outright hating each other unconditionally. There is otherwise, to my knowledge or experience, no real indication of any commonly established dynamic between these classes.

Demon Hunters became what they are by needed sacrifice. And a major part of the reason they wound up putting out their eyes is because of warlocks who brought the Legion to Azeroth.

I’d say that demon hunters only trust other demon hunters (because of the “Sacrifice”), but warlocks don’t trust anyone, even each other. Any alliances between the two would be out of convenience or necessity, not out of any sense of comraderie or kinship. You might even describe their animosity as fel-induced hate.

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I would say generally they hate each other but with exceptions to the rule.

Many Demon Hunters and Warlocks likely view each other as anathema their beliefs.

An average warlock, even a good warlock, is unlikely to believe that demon hunters chase power for the selfless reasons they claim. To a warlock, often power for powers sake is reason enough. Many Demon Hunters would rid the universe of all fel if they could, and to an average warlock that is probably unacceptable

Demon Hunters most likely rarely understand how warlocks resist the call of the Legion due to the fact that they rarely demonstrate strong moral principles. To a Demon Hunter, their oaths of sacrifice and vengeance provide them the purpose and focus they need, so they probably often believe that warlocks will eventually succumb to the fel without such foundations. Demon hunters do not believe in power for powers sake, and probably regard the warlocks who do as little different than the Legion.


Seeing as how DH are generally internet trolls they kinda set themselves up to be hated by everyone.

Please keep this thread lore related. I can’t imagine azeroth has the internet.

ok, sorry was just a joke

lol lotta long posts in here saying pretty much nothing. warlocks and dhs* wouldn’t hate each other because of different approaches— having one’s soul infused with a demon is literally a new warlock hero spec. if you want a good idea of lock/dh in action, look at marius and tehd shoemaker in legion/bfa. they dislike each other because they’re each abrasive, and using fel magic probably doesn’t help those personality dysfunctions. sorta simple as.

Demon Hunters see Warlocks as part of the reason they wound up gouging their own eyes out.