People love a bad idea, or at least saying why it’s so bad, so here it is:
Raid bosses & M+ with specific damage vulnerabilities. Could be rotating, could be static.
Has it already been done before? No clue, did 0 research.
What exactly? A small, maybe even almost insignificant increase to specific damage types on certain bosses, like melee-shadow and ranged-fire, etc., with diminishing returns. Could even have those classes take more damage too; a risk-reward kinda thing. That way having all the dps be the same class-spec could actually be a bad thing.
Why? I’m thinking of the DPS-only classes and the altaholics. And to maybe add some variety. If you don’t have healer/tank spec within your class, your ability to contribute to your raid group, or M+ team/friend group, is limited. You can’t off-heal if it calls for a 5th healer in raid, or if the 4th healer is out that day. Or tank if your 2nd tank gets sick, you can only pew-pew, which everyone else can do. So what makes you special? Damage modifiers! Yay. Do you main a Fire mage but this next boss/M+ has a bonus for range-frost damage? Maybe you will give Frost a try and give you a break from the monotony of the same thing over and over again, AND allows you to feel extra valuable to your group. And that’s what matters right, how you feel? Yeah!
Or maybe your main doesn’t have that damage profile, but your alt does!
And the bonus would need to be small, so as to not make it mandatory. But hey, if you’re progging and are capable of getting the boss below 5%, then maybe a few more specific types of damage that match the vulnerability would do the trick! But not all 14dps because of diminishing returns, and increased damage.
Anyways, that’s my bad idea. Sounds like it has the capacity to be incredibly tilting. And some people probably only want to play one spec and don’t want to be “encouraged” to change specs just for a few extra dps. While others would try to stack a specific class, despite the built in drawbacks to that.
Anyways, that’s my bad idea.
You are correct, it is a horrible idea.
Yes, there is a raid boss in AQ that can’t be killed without frost damage…which still causes issues for people legacy mog farming 20 years later
They avoid such things to promote inclusiveness for all classes. It’s the same reason they stopped making bosses with mandatory interrupts and such, it’s just not fair for all classes and no one wants to be left out because their chosen class can’t do one thing or another.
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It’s true. I do love a bad idea. Luckily for me, I’m full of 'em.
Let’s take a page from Everquest (and Doti Gorehowl) and add +bane damage to weapons, and make bosses only vulnerable to such damage.
I remember Emperor Ssraeshza and Lord Inquisitor Seru in EQ and farming those damn bane weapons ![:joy: :joy:](
You might just be sumwun, but you’re sumwun speshul to me
Well, actually, my last name is Umungu.
And thank you! <3
Overall I like the idea. A possible downside is that here’s another reason to be denied a spot in a pug (“We’re looking for fire dmg dealers. Go away.”)
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Don’t you make me build resist sets again. Don’t take me back to those days.
Wait the mobs don’t do that already?
I have bad idea that I can add to OP’s post. Not only should certain schools of magic do more damage or any damage at all to bosses or mobs, but we should add weapon types. Can’t wand an enemy with frost damage because you can’t use a wand? Better get a friend who can!
Also, we should have spell family DDR. Do frost damage, then fire damage, then physical damage! Get ready to swap weapons because it might be frost damage with a staff equipped, then fire weapon with only an offhand equipped, then physical weapon with a 1 handed sword!
(I’m being sarcastic, btw).
Maybe be interesting for a single raid encounter per expansion for the uniqueness and novelty.
I always found it interesting with the Voidwalker mobs in Alcatraz back in BC that took the first element damage done to them and adapted to it to become immune to it and deal that damage back.
So a raid encounter having a rotating damage vulnerability might be interesting but only if a certain period of time it’s vulnerable to all types of damage when it’s time for Bloodlust and everyone pops their cooldowns. Because no one wants to be the guy that is doing reduced damage during Bloodlust lol.
I would like to see more trash mobs within a dungeon that have various vulnerable damage types and that it’s “random” so you can’t pre stack the right classes and have to instead adapt on the fly.
It could even become a Mythic+ affix where each mob throughout the dungeon gets a random vulnerability to a particular type of damage and reduced damage taken from all others.
It’s a simple affix that is both fun and punishing without becoming tedious to deal with.
Maybe the affix could be called…
- Prismatic
Enemies become vulnerable to a random type of damage, taking 100% increased damage from a random source and 20% reduced damage from all other damage sources. Bosses are immune to this effect.
For a kiss/curse affect…
- Prismatic
Both you and enemies alike becomes vulnerable to a random type of damage, taking 100% increased damage from a random source and 20% reduced damage from all other damage sources. This effect rotates to a different damage type vulnerability every 10 seconds.
- Kiss effect = More damage dealt potential if targeting correct target and aligning your big damage moments. In addition, you receive less damage taken from all other sources aside from your current vulnerability.
- Curse effect = can easily drop dead from incoming damage if not paying attention.
FF did that, its not new lol
Camera slowly pans over to Sarkareth and Nymue.
While I wouldn’t mind having to do things like interrupts, to engage more with the boss than maybe playing Dance Dance Revolution while pelting them with whatever I got, they really need to stop making tank interrupts part of fights or give tanks at the very least interrupts as baseline. The standard raid builds for Brewmaster doesn’t take the interrupt, so someone who’s not used to having to switch talents to take it will likely forget. Whether they’re a tank that’s used to their standard builds already having an interrupt or someone who doesn’t normally tank and isn’tthinking about that. Which on Nymue really sucks because ideally both tanks interrupt their add, and not anyone else.
I really meant dungeon bosses since raid bosses usually have someone who can do the thing, but yeah it still crops up once in a while.
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