I have 0 expectations from midnight player housing

I think people get very excited on the idea of getting player housing in wow, because their imagination is having a party at the moon.
Now, let me death grip you back to earth for a moment to remind you all that your many cool ideas of how a badass player house in wow would look like is not gonna happen.
instead, remember garrison promises and what we actually got.

I bet it will be one skin layer (instead of a theme for each race) with a reused model for everyone, there will be some things you can customize but it will be minimalistic.
it will probably either exist in one place for alliance and one for horde (probably stormwind and orgrimmar).

So, you lied. You do have expectations. Now we know you can’t be trusted.


Dear diary

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Well good for you. Not overhyping yourself is a good way to avoid disappointment.

On the other hand, Blizzard wouldn’t release this feature if it was half-arsed, so I expect it to be, AT LEAST, functional.

I just hope they attach player power to it and maybe give it a timer and a scaling end game pillar system for people who enjoy interior decorating.

As long as they give me a space and some things I can use to decorate it, I’ll be happy. They should make an expansion that’s just player housing. I miss my FFXIV apartments.

And I like the garrisons. A lot. :pleading_face: I use them for RP hubs often.

My hope is that it’s more similar to that other cartoony MMO that got shut down a while back. Don’t remember the name, sorry.

i really hope this is sarcasm

Could also add some sort of cutting edge or KSH like achievement for having super nice house.

touche… and if wasn’t for you damn kids my evil plan would have worked.

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