I hate warglaive placement

Warglaives sit way too high up on our backs, especially for blood elves. Since they made our weapons huge they stick out even further. I feel like a pair of walking scissors when they’re sheathed. I really wish they were placed further down in the middle of the back.

I always end up transmogging my warglaives. I’m curious if I’m the only one annoyed by this. I’m a new DH so I’m not sure if others have brought this up.


I want warglaives to sit on my head like antlers to show off my dominant place in the hierarchy and to ward off competitors in mating.

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I’ve never been a fan of them being overly large and sitting up that high either, but I never transmog other weapons.

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Thats why I use the tank artfact, it https://www.wowhead.com/guide/legion/artifacts/aldrachi-vengeance-demon-hunterstays perfectly placed, its more like a fist weadon.

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Link’s not working, but yeah, I do prefer the legion tank glaives, depending on the mog.

I’m always reminded of a stag beetle.


Yep, it looks incredibly bad.
The placement of warglaives is fine on female nelfs and belfs.
The placement is fine on males in demon form.
The placement of bows, which have the same shape as warglaives, is totally fine on male elves.
But for some reason beyond understanding, Blizzard decided that warglaives on male elves need to be placed with the handles above the shoulders and 70% of the weapon in the air above the character, with barely any part of it even touching the back.

Blizzard should at the very least put some kind of back-slot cosmetic item for demon hunters in the trading post so that we can hide that horrendous weapon placement with it.

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if you have a night elf and the heritage armor you get a set of 3 dirfferent glaive transmogs that appear in the 1 hand sword section on the transmog menu. They are a cool ninja star glaive and they completely hide when sheathed. It’s probably your best bet if you still want glaives but not the huge ones on your back.

Ya, I agree!! They should put warglaives on our hips instead!!

Back in bfa i made my dh a night elf cause i hayed blood elfs and i was so dispointed in the glaive placement. Its like floating in the air.

Thats why i use small weapons instead of the huge ones

I like it on my Night Elf VDH. Looks distinctive without feeling like too much.

Everything looks too high on blood elves because they are wee folk. :smiley:

This is why I started using the venthyr backpacks on my demon hunter. If your weapon sheaths on your back like glaives then they will hide them. Downside is it kind of limits your color palatte to some flavor of red, but that’s fine if you like red.

That aside I actually like the bladed bone tonfa looking glaives you get from maldraxxus. They sheath across your lower back instead of your upper back which is kind of cool. Or at least they did the last time I used them. Not sure if they still do.

The only War Glaives I’d ever consider swapping to are my red (pvp achievement) mage tower legion glaives. Besides that, the swords I got transmogged for my DH look pretty badass for DHs

The only glaives that actually look good (while also generally looking a little ridiculous while simultaneously looking ridiculously cool) are the Warglaives of Azzinoth. They sit just right but I think that’s also because they’re massive and you really can’t tell where they actually sit.

Everything else is practically sitting on your neck. It’s terrible. Big agree, they need to be put lower on the back. I found a set of 1h axes from WoTLK that sit on the back great and their handles sit where I’d want warglaive blades to sit.

I doubt Blizz will ever fix it…