I hate to bring-up shadowlands lore

I’ve heard this theory and I’ve seen stuff that was presented as being “dataminded files from Blizzard” but how does this work and what evidence is there that this is real?

And why would Blizzard be so careless about letting this stuff out?

Seems to me that SL was getting tons of negative advertising from certain YouTube CCs farming for clicks from a few thousand angry players and they decided to wrap up and pull the plug. Otherwise, why end a season short?

Not like they didn’t try, the entire expansion Ion denied anything being cut, which is impossible to do when, as pointed out, there is a smoking gun of a useless raid portal in a zone for a raid that clearly got cut.

MONEY. Corporate runs things, and SL/DF was the last expansion Kotick had to squeeze as much out of the product as he could before he got the Microsoft boot.

BFA to DF so far has just been Activision-Blizzard cleaning house on yeeeears worth of problems the company evidently had, with folks like Morhaime and many of the more skilled developers leaving cause corporate under Kotick evidently kept restricting their creative freedoms.


That seems pretty weak. It’s evidence of one raid being moved and someone forgetting to remove the portal but not of an entire revamp of the expansion.

Interesting theory but again just a theory. Where are the details of how this data was mined and the evidence that it’s real and not just a rumor that went viral?


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I hate to bring-up shadowlands lore

I can’t believe you used a long article to respond to my question that had not one word about the validity of datamined WoW information.

So a couple CEOs got into a spiting contest over control of the company. So what? What does that have to do with the source and validity of datamining about a rewrite of Shadowlands?

I remember two things regarding cut content according to the devs (albeit i didn’t managed to retrieve the quotes):

  • First the Covid forcing the reorganization of work made a mess in Shadowland’s development, delaying several things.
    It’s obvious that to reach the deadline, contents and ideas had to be cut.
  • Second we were supposed to have something regarding An’she and the taurens, i bet that Dezco in Oribos wasn’t for nothing.
    But when you see how Elune was treated in Shadowland and how the Grimoire of Shadowland and beyond openly mocked the Tauren’s beliefs, seeing this content cut was for the best.

but you bring it up anyway op.
pls don’t remind us of that trash ever again

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see, that’s the sort of thing that makes me think they don’t really plan several expansions ahead of time. i mean, if you can cut that big of a chunk out of the story and assume it still works, you did’nt fully plan it out.

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I think you are right. I noticed it was never a completed story. they just one day decided they no longer exist.

“drust in time”
moar time travel!!1

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GOOGLE, wow pages, Wiki maybe.

Drust Cause or Drust Loves Dogs

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I thought the way Elune was handled was one of the best parts of the expansion. From what we saw in the game the Night Elves worshiped Elune but they really didn’t know anything about her. Their believes were all based on myth. Then we find out that she is really the Winter Queen’s bratty little sister. I thought that was priceless.

We all get to make our conclusions from available information.

Faith is not transferrable. You believe what you choose to believe.

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i did not like the heavy involvement of Bluether (Uther’s cousin)

I wasn’t thinking about this part, but more of the one where she spoke through Tyrande: It’s extremly hard to find credible that a goddess who intended to send all the souls from Tel Drassil to Ardenweald:

  • To hear the cry for help from the Winter Queen but not capable to tell her that she will help.
  • Not being aware that the arbiter is disable.
  • Not being aware that all the souls she send were thrown to the Maw even until she was speaking through Tyrande.
  • Knowing how work the death system and so that the Arbiter will certainly not send everything to Ardenweald, to not use her best tool at disposal: The shortcut between the Emerald dream and Ardenweald.

It’s even less credible when you think about Ysera: It’s obvious that Elune send her directly to Ardenweald without the Winter Queen being aware of this.
Given her resentment towards Elune at this time, she would easily have sacrificed Ysera instead of Ursoc by exemple.
So Elune did has the mean to send souls directly to Ardenweald without passing by the Arbiter.
But not with the souls from Tel drassil because…?

In short, they managed with three sentences to make Elune a complete moron for no logical reason.
And it took me less than 5 minutes after seeing the cutscene to figure all of this so how a supposedly professional writer hasn’t seen any of these narrative problems?

That’s why I say it’s a good thing they didn’t touch An’she thanks to the cut content.
I don’t want to imagine what they had in store for him after seeing this for Elune (and the mockery in the Grimoire)


There is a big gap between all knowing god and moron. When we got there none of the “Eternal ones” seem to have a full grasp on what was happening or the ability to handle it alone.

That pretty much covers the situation in all expansions and the expansions of many other MMOs as well.

That is why they call us the “Champions”.

" I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I’ve come through

And we mean to go on and on and on and on

We are the champions, my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the World" - Freddie Mercury

Awwww cute people still think you’re getting clout dumping on SL

As far as I’m concerned Shadowlands was a N’Zoth induced dream and Sylvanas is still at large and Anduin just had a spooky dream and can’t get over it.