What Shadowlands?
Who Shadowlands?
Where Shadowlands?
shadowlands lore…
The paladin posting that was a nice touch.
there is no light for the paladins in the afterlife.
Soul uber driver
or a member of a zombie army.
the only naaru is a prisoner in revendreth. the light…got its butt beat by an army of vampire cosplayers.
It was the blood elf scenario that had me go full on this didn’t happen mode. I can have the delusion paladins get a better afterlife.
the top dude, a legend of BLood knights…forgot all of that. the light is strong my space goat butt. It can be wiped out by low level mental conditioning. ring a chime…poof. Forgotten just like that. it is why Daddy mograine had to go to zombie land.
he’d have been wiped and reformated like a memory stick too.
Shadowlands was good in all ways except the end game content. The questing was much better than DF or TWW. The dungeons were good. Just the focus on raiding and M+ sucked. That was the expansion that ruined WQ and world content in general. Worst thing about it. lol my behind.
That’s not close to being true. First, there never was any “spirituality” in the game of WoW and the concept of death wasn’t changed at all. Tell us one thing about death that had been established in the game that was changed.
And what long-loved characters that were destroyed? Name them and tell us how. And calling it a high school musical? Where did you pull that one from?
When in doubt just make stuff up. Arthas was killed in the final raid of Wrath. Kel Thuzad has been killed many times and could well come back again. Uther and Morgraine are still around as are the Drust, the Dreadlords and the Wild Gods. There’s nothing about that statement that comes close to anything that happened in WoW.
Because it happened sometimes to venture in the death realm?
As a DK in Legion, we go to the Shadowlands to acquire the Aggregates of Anguish and guess what? It was nothing close to the actual Shadowlands, just a darker alternate realm of Azeroth like the Emerald dream is. (stated in Chronicle one by the way)
Can you describe your concept of “spirituality”?
For me it’s related to religions of various forms.
Shadowland destroyed the concept of gods by reducing them to robots that can be easily replicated in a Zereth (see the prototypes boss fight) and conveyed the idea that all the mortal beliefs are lies or mistakes.
And also that the Shadowlands are just a “second life” where the second death means that the soul vanish. It’s no longer a place of eternal rest.
Call me crazy…but with even forsaken moaning about how much being a zombie sucks they weren’t looking to true die. then go straight to maldraxxus if a warrior type.
To be a zombie again. they’d probably want their non scourge body back. Or the whole shiny spirit thing. basically anything except eternal life…as rotting corpse. Again.
No earth mother…guess she was on vacation.
Elune we now know is either very stupid, a robot…or a stupid robot.
I already hit the lack of “light” there. Blessed be the lig…chime rings…err…Okay boss, I’ll get right on that 187 on planet Fhjuiera.
Oh, its a double homide…okay. 2 for 1 special. I got 2 arms. thanks to the chime ringing I no longer worry about whether this was better than my former life.
Now we did have have them change this policy. What needs to be remembered is bastion has been doing this since the dawn of time. and then they go whoops…guess this was a bad idea. a bad idea for a very long time.
Not to mention we sort of recreate Tyr, give him 4 named lieutenants to start a new Tyr’s Hand style order with and then… they all just sit in their own tiny barracks in Tyrhold, never to be referenced again.
The only “follow up” (if you can call it that) is having weird corrupted/infinite Tyr as a boss in the Rise/Fall megadungeon.
something something immortality, something something, all according to the jailers plan, something something.
Ah, I meant character assassination, not “killed off for real”. I can understand your confusion due to me accidentally leaving out that word. I did not mean they “literally finally killed these things off” but that they basically took their legacies and crapped all over them.
Even minor but loved chars. Amber Kearnan got made into a spider. First off’d her a plot device in legion. then they made her a spider.
while lady v…got to keep here naga form. I’d have had her be one of many masses of sentient green goop all over the place really.
Tiffany defending the worst expansion (Shadowlands) again. We love to see it.
Uh, something something Death in Ardenweald something something the Drust came from the Shadowlands, or at least another part of it something something easier to forget Shadowlands ever happened along with Warlords of Draenor…
Lmao the entire concept of shamanism? Like do I really need to spell everything out for you? And if all ‘death’ does is just let you do Ready Player One in First One Death Plumbing System then are you unable to comprehend how that cheapens death lmao
Two of the most critical rules to never break in fantasy fiction if you want to maintain a sense of mystique are 1) don’t explain the magic and 2) don’t explain the afterlife (assuming there is one).
Shadowlands, being the pinnacle of fantasy storytelling that it is, decided to double down and break both rules into tiny little bits, at the same time! Truly remarkable.
While trempling on Warcraft III legacy, it’s as the writers wanted to say f… the old fans, the previous authors and the basics of this universe… while forgeting that going so strongly against their customers is not really the smartest move to keep them paying a sub.
Well, at least with DF and TWW, it seems that now they know.
Shadow - what now? I’m sorry, you must be confused. I assure you, there are no expansions under this name.
It just does so many things wrong on a structural level. The most fundamental one of them being that there is literally a 3D printing machine that explains every bit of existence? Toss in to the trash where it belongs…
Like I can appreciate some parts of it. I enjoy the Ori and the Blind Forest aesthetic, Dracula zone, and a lot of the art. But when you look it as a collective whole and what it represents, it’s just terrible. Everytime I see an NPC die in game and they’re sad about it (like in that Arathi questline where you have to talk to the living soldiers) I wish there was an option to go “don’t worry, your friend in battle is going to be a lava eel and if they aren’t happy with what the sorting hat chose then they might be able to be a skeleton minion for the afterlife’s useless military division :)!”
But at least we got Daddy Denathrius so I’m not that mad about it honestly.
Something something Pet Semetary. Wendigos.
Also, I believe Drust are but another example of hooks or rather anchors of the next expansion.
I think it’s both teasing or foreshadowing content, but also a way to tease a concept in a small dose to get the reaction from us.
Tease out a death realm. Then have us go to one.
Also, it could simply be creator extra. If they’re 3 expansions ahead, but they need a filler for some area.
Hey, let’s toss this concept out there, but small enough and disconnected enough for us not to see for what it really is